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Madison's POV:
I hate Monday mornings with a passion. I'm just thankful that we finish school next week. I'm walking through the grey coloured halls and that's when I see Gray and Layla.

'Hey guys' I say. 'Hey, where's Ethan?' Layla asks. That's weird. 'Oh I was gonna ask you two the same thing' I say confused then I look at Grayson. 'He's actually at home today, he's sick I think' he says. He thinks? There's something going on here. I just brushed it off, I always overthink everything.

'Okay babe I got to go early, coach will kill me' Grayson says to Layla pecking her on the cheek. She nods then me and her walk to our lockers to get my cheer gear.

'Don't you think that was a bit weird?' I ask Layla. She furrows her brows. 'Was what weird?' I just roll my eyes since she obviously wasn't listening. 'If it's the thing about Ethan, I wouldn't get stressed over it' I nod. 'Just text him or something' and I do that.
Me: hey why aren't you in? I didn't know you was sick?
And I would just wait for a response. I grabbed my gym equipment then head to cheer.

'Hey you gotta spare hair tie?' I ask Lauren, I'm excited for today's cheer since Layla's watching and she could see our new dance routine.

Lauren passes me her pink hair tie and I put my long dark locks into a ponytail. And as we're waiting for other people to be ready I check my phone to see if he's replied... nope. But he's read it,10 minutes ago which is strange because he never ignores me. I hate to be clingy, but we're not together so it won't matter. I text him again.
Me: I just wanted to know if you are okay, sorry if it's anything I done and that's the reason you're ignoring me.

I click send and toss my rose gold phone in my bag when Alyssa the bitch walks into the changing rooms with the fakest smile on her face.

She explains what we're doing which consisted of starting a new routine and while Lauren and I are making our way out of the room Alyssa grabs my arm. Not enough to hurt me though.

I give her a confused look and take her awfully fake tanned hands off my arm. 'What do you want this time?' I ask rolling my eyes. Lauren just stands there watching us, while the rest of the cheer team has gone outside. 'Ooh be careful Mad's, Ethan might not like the way you speak to some people'
'What do you mean, have you heard yourself speak... like ever?' I laugh. 'Don't fucking laugh at me, I could ruin you in seconds' she scoffs. She starts to walk away before turning back around flicking her damaged beach blonde hair and says 'oh by the way, I'm sorry that he's ignoring you' she fake pouts and walks away before telling us to hurry up and laughing.

Me and Lauren exchange looks. 'Okay what was that about?' She asks she expecting a reply. 'I don't know, how does she know that Ethan has been ignoring me?' I ask. She just tells me to talk to him and that we should hurry before Alyssa does anything else. I nod and try to take my mind off things.

Ethan's POV:
I hated this. I hated ignoring her, she's done nothing wrong. I'm such an asshole for making her think that.

If it wasn't for secrets or Alyssa getting in the way of me being happy, none of this would have happened.

|Flashback|The night before|
I haven't texted Mad's all day so I decided to scroll through my missed texts but notices that she hasn't talked to me either. Then I see that Alyssa texted me. Yes we still have each other's numbers but we never talk.

Alyssa Harris: hey e, I know about your secret

And that was only sent 4 minutes ago so I obviously wanted to know what she was trying to say.

Me: first only my friends call me E, and why all of a sudden are you texting me? We haven't texted in months. And what secret?

She tries calling me but I decline, I just wanted an answer not to hear her annoying voice.

Alyssa Harris: yours and Madison's, I know that your little 'relationship' is a lie, you don't even like her

I was about to start typing until another text comes through.

Alyssa Harris: poor little Mad's, she fancies the fuckboy of the school but you don't even care about her, what a pitty

Me: that's not true, I care for her more than I ever did for you. You're just a stuck up brat

Alyssa Harris: don't you dare Ethan, I could ruin her

I felt anger rising in me and my jaw clenched. She can't say these things about Madison, my Madison.

Me: you lay a finger on her, or do or say anything to her Alyssa.

Alyssa Harris:oh I won't, but I'll make sure you won't either

I was confused on what she was saying. Of course I wouldn't hurt Madison.

Me: what do you mean by that?

Alyssa: I mean that I'll make sure that she gets what she deserves for being a slut and faking a relationship with you. She'll get her heart broken by the Ethan Dolan.

Me: and how will that happen when I'm literally with her 24/7 I would never hurt her intentionally

Alyssa Harris: are you really that stupid? Ethan babe I have dirt on both of you, ik about her ex, ik what he done to her and I sure as hell know that you haven't changed like everyone else is saying.

Me: I have though, you don't know me, especially since me and Mad's have been together

Alyssa Harris: well I'll make sure that EVERYONE knows the real you, if you keep in contact with her.

Is she actually black mailing me?

Me: and why would I do that?
Alyssa Harris: because you wouldn't want to break her heart when she finds out about the rumours of her now would you? 😂😂

I want to punch her. Before I could say anything she sent another text.

Me: she's gonna hate you either way so if you was smart enough you'd pick the option to stop talking to her, that would be best xoxo bye Ethan
|end of flashback|

What am I going to do.

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