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Madison's POV:
I reach the booth and notice that Ethan looks worried. The two love birds are too busy taking cute pictures together.

I sat down next to him and he turns to me asking 'what just happened, w-with that boy?' He was worried.

'Nothing, I'm fine E' I say putting a fake smile on and placing my hand on his leg and that's when I noticed his fist is clenched.

I look back up to his beautiful face and he looks straight into my emerald green eyes.

'I know when your lying Mad's' I sigh. 'What is it? Did he hurt you?' He says grabbing my hand under the table.

'His name is Lucas and-' I begun before getting interrupted my Layla.

'Wowow, Mad's Lucas is over there you know' I nod my head and include her and Gray into the conversation.

'As I was saying... his name is Lucas, he was my boyfriend last year, we were only together for about 7 months, I ended things with him 3 months before moving back I hate him' Layla nods along with me since she knows everything that's happened in the past.

'What did he do to you for you to end things?' Grayson asks concerned.

I suddenly feel a knot tie in my stomach and a lump in my throat just of the thought.

I regret staying out too late with my friends .. especially since I was going to Lucas's after it.

1:30 am and I reach his house, before I get to knock he's already by the open door.

'Look who decided to turn up' he says angry.

'I'm sorry babe, I can explain' I say before Lucas grabs my wrist dragging me in the house hitting my arm on the door frame quickly.

'What the heck? Did you cheat on me? Was you even planning on coming back Madison?!'  He was jumping to conclusions too quick.

'No id neve-' I suddenly feel my cheeks go red as he smacks me across the face.

'What the hell Lucas!' I shout and he pushes me to the floor and kicks me.

I try to keep my tears in but it's too hard, he hurt me physically and mentally.

'That's what sluts get' he says before stamping on my left hand and marching to his room, he's drunk but that's no excuse.

(End of flashback)

'He abused me, for about 3 weeks, I let it go on because I thought I loved him, turns out he's a self centred dick.' I explain shaking a bit about the worst weeks of my life.

'I'm sorry Mad's, if he ever hurts you I'll whoop his ass' Ethan says making me let out a slight laugh without realising.

|at school the next day, Wednesday|
'I can't believe it's almost summer, and we can get out of this place' Grayson says with his arms wide open making a scene through the corridors of the school.

Layla and I both laugh and she goes to hug Gray while I walk past them and then notice Ethan.

'He's correct though' Ethan says about what Gray said' I nod and laugh.

'That reminds me, Gray and I want to have a party on Saturday so it's kind of like the last party of the semester' he explains and I nod indicating that I'll be going.

'And that reminds me again..' he says and we both laugh, walking to my Spanish class.

'My mom wants you and the rest over tonight since she hasn't seen you in years, she's making your favourite' he smiles.

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