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                              Madison's pov:
"LA?" I ask slightly gasping. Ethan bites his lip and nods looking down. "Yeah" he sighs.

"Ethan baby what's wrong? This is amazing for you" I say lifting his head to face mine. "I didn't know if you'd be happy mad's" he confesses.

I giggle and stoke some hair out his face. I shake my head. "Ofcourse I'm happy for you E, this is gonna be so good for your filmography career" I say and he smiles.

Yes I know him moving to la will mean less time for us which is definitely something I don't want. But I can't be selfish, I have to be happy for him.

"I am sorry though mad's, I won't see you as mu-" I cut over him by kissing his lips softly.

I pulled away and smiled. Ethan smiled slightly too, and I noticed he had tears on his Rosie cheeks.

I wipe them away and peck his pink lips again. "I love you so much, and that's why I want you to take this opportunity, everyone's gonna be so proud of you handsome" I say and he finally reveals his pearly whites.

"I love you so much more gorgeous, you don't even understand" Ethan says before connecting our lips again.

I wake up caused by the sun beaming through my curtains in my apartment bedroom. I stir, opening my eyes and looking over my shoulder.

I'm cuddled up to a mom clothed boyfriend. From the events of last night-we made love, and I realised we won't be sharing as many moments like this as usual-

I'm bare aswell, butterflies appear in my stomach as I see Ethan's arms tightly wrapped around my dainty waist. I smile to myself and turn around to face him.

"Mmm, how long have you been awake?" He asks opening an eye. "Not long" I say sweetly kissing his cheek.

"I'm going to miss this" Ethan says opening the other eye, his groggy morning voice making us both more awake.

"You and me both" I sigh. "Let's do something today then?" He suggests and I nod.

Later that day myself and Ethan decided on having a picnic at our spot, we cleaned it up so it was much more prettier today.

He set up blankets and some fairy lights making it  more magical.

We are and drank, talked about everything and nothing. But most importantly about what the future brings us.

Ethan promised me that nothing will get in the way of our relationship, and I promised it back.

I'm so in love with this boy that I wouldn't dream of anyone else. I'm excited and scared for what's to come.

Guess who finally updated after 47292 years.

The end is near...

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