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Madison's POV:

"tomorrow's the big day huh?" layla asks as we're all having our final day together.

all as in ethan, grayson, Layla, Lauren, Brandon and myself.

we decided to spend our last day together at the twins' house since it held a bunch of mementoes from years ago, and we helped Ethan pack his stuff away.

tonight we were surprising Ethan with a going away party which was all of grayson's idea.

I think grayson is putting up this act where he pretends not to be bothered by ethan leaving for so long, but even I know that it isn't true.

they've spent all their life together, but I know he's really happy for him.

Let's face it I'm extremely happy for ethan, but it's killing me inside knowing we'll both be in different states for 2-3 months.

And I'm scared.

{skip to the party}

there were so many people here that I didn't recognise until I spoke to them.

some of them was old friends of Ethan, cousins, and even sme people from high school.

I walked through the house going to get some more lemonade and that's when I bump into someone I don't think I'd see ever again.

Lucas, my ex. who tried to ruin me and ethan.

"Oh uh hi lucas" I say kind of awkwardly.

we made small talk and as I tried to get away from the conversation I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist.

the familiar feeling making me shiver.

I look over my shoulder and smile at Ethan.

"is he bothering you baby?" He asks whispering in my ear. I shake my head side to side telling him no.

then we say bye to Lucas, finally escaping the most awkward conversation I've ever had.

me and Ethan walk hand in hand to he lounge where grayson was blasting some of ethan's favourite songs and I smiled at my goofy boyfriend who was singing the words to me.

ethan spins me around so our body's are pressed against eachother very close and he smirks.

"I'm really going to miss this you know" I say trying to keep a smile on my face for him.

"Me too baby, so let's make the most of tonight" he says and presses his soft lips to mine.

I smile at the gesture and pull him closer to me kissing him back.

I lost Ethan after three hours since the party started, but I didn't mind I wanted him to have his time with Grayson and Brandon.

Layla and Lauren were talking in the kitchen and I slowly made my way over to them while they filled up their cups.

"how are you mad's?" They ask and I shrug.

"I'm doing okay" I lie, if they knew how I actually felt then I'd ruin everyone's mood.

"We know you're lying" Lauren admits and I bite my lip looking down at my hands.

"Is it obvious?" I ask looking up and they both nod.

"I mean obviously you're going to be sad madison, anyone would but do you think you're this upset because you're worried something will go wrong when he leaves?" Layla says and my eyebrows scrunch up.

"Something like what? What are you trying to say?" I ask getting worried.

They sigh, looking at each other and that's when I realise something.

"you don't think me and him are gonna last do you?" I ask, feeling my heart break that my very own bestfriends would think that.

"mads, it's going to be hard, we're just trying to warn yo-"

"I can try though" I snap back and I feel my eyes filling with water.

they look taken back by my attitude but I couldn't help it.

my heart was breaking one part at a time.

"I'm just gonna go, I'm sorry-"

"wait mads-"

but I ran off before I could let them speak again.

as my eyes went blurry I rushed towards a room that I know no one would be.

Ethan's room.

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