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Ethan's POV:
Walking through the halls on my way to English class on this Wednesday morning was the worst.

I couldn't find Madison anywhere so I figured she was already in class with Layla.

By the lockers I noticed Lucas standing there on his phone with some of his so called 'friends' surrounding him.

I wanted to say something so bad about what he's done to Madison but I didn't want to embarrass her or myself so I walked passed minding my own business.

We made sudden eye contact but I brushed it off until I heard him speak.

"Oh yeah Madison Palmer, she's a slut but I bet she's good in bed" one of his friends said. "Trust me dude, she is" Lucas says. Anger rushing through me.

"And have you seen what she's wearing today, she has a good ass" Lucas says again. I couldn't help myself anymore. I had to say something.

I rush up to them and the other boys were soon intimidated by me. And soon stopped talking, drawing their attention to their phones.

Lucas on the other hand just stood there.

"Don't fucking speak about Madison like that" I say feeling overly frustrated.

"Oh what are you gonna do Dolan?" He asks really cocky. I take a step closer and he falls into the lockers behind him. I grip his shirt in my fist and say gritting my teeth "you don't want to know" .

He swallows something and I now see him looking nervous. "E?" I hear Madison's voice come from behind me.

I look at her then soon let go of Lucas' shirt. She walks up to us looking confused. "W-what's going on?" She asks furrowing her brows. God damn she's so cute.

"Your boyfriend tried scaring me-"
"You looked pretty intimidated to me" she says laughing. He takes a step closer before I put my hand in front of Madison and myself.

"Take one more step near her, I dare you" I say and then he soon realised that I was now more than angry.

"Okay I got the message Ethan, now you and Madison can go" he says and we go to walk away.

"Just to let you know Madison, that top and skirt looks banging on you" he says and she rolls her eyes flipping him off and walking to English with me.

Before we reach the class Madison pulls me to the side. "What was that about though Ethan?" She asked me worriedly.

I couldn't tell if she was mad at what just happened or scared to know the answer.

"He was speaking so disgustingly about you Mad's, I couldn't believe the things all the boys were saying. I-I just didn't want them saying those things about you. Baby I hope you're not mad" I say stuttering towards the end from my nerves.

"I'm not mad E, I'm glad you were honest with me. I'm happy you stuck up for me" she says sweetly cupping my cheeks.

"Thank you babe" she says, leaving in softy placing her lips on mine. I smile when I pull away and she pecks me one last time.

"Come on miss Harris is gonna kill us" she giggles and we make our way into the dreaded lesson.

Madison's POV:
"Let me take you home, since your dads at work?" Ethan asks and I gladly take him up on his offer.

We reach inside his beautiful black car and he heads back to my house. "I wish we could go somewhere tonight" he exclaims whining.

"You know I would but I promised Lay and Lauren I'd look for something to wear to that dance on Friday" I say and he nods his head remembering.

We reach my house 20 minutes later. Ethan decides to walk me to my door even though I'm perfectly capable of walking there on my own, after all I am 17 years old.

"Have fun with the girls babe" he says before hugging me. I return the hug ofcourse. Then he whispers into my ear huskily "pick something that looks great on you" sending shivers down my whole body.

We both pull away and I see a smirk on his adorable face. "Not that that's a hard thing , you can pull off anything".

"Oh shut up E" I say playfully slapping his arm. "Okay I've got to go but I'll ring you later" I say pecking his cheek.

"Don't do that" he says pouting. "Do what?" I ask confused. "Kiss me properly, on the lips, I won't see you until-"
"Tomorrow" I say giggling making him huff. Obviously being frustrated from my sarcasm.

"I'm only playing, don't hate me" I say grabbing his arms pulling him closer so our bodies are now touching. The best feeling.

His face comes closer to mine and I smile. His lips hover over mine. "I could never" he says before closing the gap between our lips.

The kiss deepens before I pull away pecking him one last time. Even though he still had one hand on my waist and one against my brown wall that I was pressed up against.

"I'll ring you-" I begin before we hear a someone coughing walking up the driveway.

"Hate to ruin the moment but I'd like to keep my home a PG13 please" my brother speaks laughing towards the end. "Dumbass" I mumble and Ethan laughs while straightening up again.

"Anyway, Tyler you've just turned sixteen, don't act like you have never seen something like this before" I say before he pushes past me unlocking the door.

I said my goodbyes with Ethan and I make my way to my bedroom.

Led on my bed after that hectic shopping trip because I'm overly exhausted.

I'm just glad I finally had my outfit for the dance in two days.

I was about to fall asleep until I heard my phone text ringtone go off. I groan as I roll over to the other side of my bed and see the contact name and a smile appeared.

From: my baby; I know I said I'd call you but it's getting late and my parents are asleep, idk if you're even awake. luv ya
To:My Baby; yes I'm awake, hardly though. I'm so tired
From:My Baby; get some sleep then Mad's, we can talk tomorrow x
To:My Baby; I want to speak to you though, show me sum luuuuv x
From:My Baby; I would if you was in my bed;))
To:My Baby; ew you're so gross
To:My Baby; but I'm not gonna complain
From:My Baby; now you're just teasing you little shit
To:My Baby; goodnight E xx
From:My Baby; no don't leave me there
From:My Baby; that's so rude
From:My Baby; I hate you now
From:My Baby; okay that was a lie. now you're probably asleep, I'll leave you alone xx

I smile and giggle to myself before placing my silver phone on my nightstand, soon falling asleep straight away.

Sorry if this is trash-🙃

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