Chapter 1: (Prologue)

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The tall man continued walking through the small forest set just past the river of Bruinen. He lifted his grey eyes to look at the wood's canopy, the leaves colors of crimson, rust, and a deep-set yellow that were beginning to change in the crisp air. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, continued his hike through the clusters of trees with his footsteps silent despite the leaves and twigs on the ground. He paused in his step when suddenly he heard far off the sound of rustling and heavy footsteps. He knew it would not be the guards of Imladris for the elves were silent in their steps and would have no need to be in the forest when they could stand watch on the rocks overlooking the valley. Curious, Aragorn brushed his dark, shoulder length hair away from his face and set out towards the noise. Using his tracking skills, the person belonging to the noises seemed to be staggering throughout the woods as though lost. He picked up his speed and finally saw a figure up ahead near the borders of the forest and valley. He stopped in shock at the sight he saw. A young girl, no older than nine or ten, wearing tattered and torn clothing finished crossing the river with blood running down her pale skin from several places. Her face was covered in dirt and grime as well as a few cuts. Her hands were stained red with a shaft of an arrow sticking out of her shoulder. Her arms were covered in deep gashes that could be seen from tears in the clothing.

Aragorn slowly approached her as one would a startled deer. The girl finally noticed his presence and widened her bright, pine green eyes in fear. Aragorn held out his hand towards her, knowing the girl probably couldn't run in her condition.

"You have no reason to fear child. I can help you for your injuries are quite bad," he said while slowly walking towards the girl.

She quickly whipped around to look back across the river as if she heard a sound, shaking uncontrollably. She turned back to Aragorn with that same look of fear.

"They are coming," she says.

"Who is coming?" Aragorn asks.

She cringes slightly, and Aragorn quickly goes back to calming her down.

"I can bring you to safety, please let me."

"I... I."

Before the girl had time to finish her knees went out from under her and she fell unconscious. Aragorn rushed to her side and checked her pulse. It was weak but still there. He carefully lifted her frail body with an arm under her knees and an arm behind her back. He cradled her head against his chest, her blonde hair covering her face. With all the speed he could muster he ran back into Rivendell's borders. Up ahead was the fortress made up of grand homes with guards protecting the entrance.

"Help!" Aragorn yelled. "Get a healer and Lord Elrond! Quickly."

The two guards looked at the unconscious girl and without hesitation rushed inside. Aragorn, knowing the palace like the back of his hand ran in after the pair and stormed up the stairs to the right of the grand entryway. As if Lord Elrond knew he was coming, which he possibly could have, met Aragorn in one of the open walkways connecting building to building. A little way behind Elrond were three healers rushing towards them.

"Oh my goodness. Aragorn what happened? Who is this?" Elrond questioned.

"I don't know. I found her like this just beginning to step into our borders. I got her here as quick as I could," Aragorn answered.

"Bring her this way, quickly," Elrond commanded.

With a motion to the healers to follow, the group rushed to the infirmary and set the girl down on one of the beds. Immediately the healers set to tending to the girl.

"I will stay," Elrond says. "I may need to help with the healing."

"The only words she said was that someone was coming," Aragorn said.

Lord Elrond gave him a serious look and studied the girl in concern once again.

"Go check the perimeters with a group of guards in case. You will know if what the girl says is true."

With a nod and one last glance at the girl, Aragorn set out with haste. The girl no longer cringed in pain as the healers began tending to her and looked as though she was simply sleeping despite the ghastly wounds covering her body.

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