Chapter 30:

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Alright guys, its about time I posted this. I found it really hard to finish writing this story and I hope it isn't as terrible as I think it is. Thank you to all you readers, you guys rock!


The crowd is still cheering outside as the King, Aragorn, and his closest friends and family head back into the King's Halls. Up ahead I see Aragorn with Arwen at his arm, both looking happier than ever. I was ecstatic when I saw she showed up.

"Arwen!" I call.

She turns around and her face lights up even more. We both end up squealing as we rush to meet each other, her arms enveloping me in a hug.

"Oh it has been too long sister," she says.

"I know, it has been," I say and pull back to take her in.

She looks resplendent in a light green, flowy dress and a crown on her head.

"I am so glad you are okay," I say. "Ada told me what you did, to be with Aragorn. I am so happy for you two."

"Thank you," she says with a smile that I've missed. "And you're glad I'm okay? I'm glad you're okay! I was worried sick about you and Aragorn traveling across the world."

"It was quite the adventure. Lots of things happened along the way."

"Lots of things I was hoping would happen," she says and looks over my shoulder.

I glance to see her referring to Legolas who patiently waits nearby. She gives me a playful grin to which I can only laugh.

"Yes, it finally happened," I say.

"I am glad. You deserve it Faylen," she says and gives my hands a squeeze before taking in my dress. "What also finally happened is you wearing a dress!"

All I can do is grin before seeing Lord Elrond coming up to us.

"My daughters together again," he says.

Arwen and I just laugh together and I give Elrond a hug.

"I am proud of you," he says down to me. "I know what you did on the battlefield."

"Thank you, ada," I say and feel a familiar warmth come up to my side.

"Ah, Prince Legolas, it is good to see you again," Elrond greets.

"You as well, my lord," Legolas says after bowing. "I was wondering if I could have a moment alone with you?"

Elrond nods and the two move off to the side of the room, Legolas giving me one of his huge smiles.

"What is that about?" Arwen asks.

"Oh yeah, there is quite a lot to tell you," I say, having my suspicions.

She raises her eyebrows at me and I wrap my arm around hers, leading us towards the grand balcony stretching across the entire hall while keeping silent.

"Alright you have got to tell me before I explode," she finally says.

"Well, I guess I'll just come right out with it then," I say. "Legolas and I are getting married."

Arwen's eyes go wide and she grabs my hand tightly. She goes to open her mouth before shutting it, at a loss of words. Then she lets out an excited shriek which makes people look our way.

"Shhh," I warn her with a laugh. "We haven't told anyone yet."

"By the Valar," she finally says. "When will you tell everyone? This is huge!"

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