Chapter 28:

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I no longer felt anger or the simmering feel of it. I push past the wave of exhaustion that I know came from what I did. I shouldn't have this ability, yet I do. I only hope I met my destiny and prevented losing to the darkness. I need to know either way so I open my eyes. Something holds my hand and I squeeze it to find that it is another hand. I trace my thumb against their palm and feel familiar callused yet soft skin. I smile and turn to the owner, meeting those ocean blue eyes that I always get lost in.

"Hey you," I say quietly, my throat still rough.

Legolas lowers his head to my arm in relief and squeezes my hand back, letting out his melodic laugh. He raises his head and grins at me.

"Hey you," he replies and moves to cup my face.

I move in to his touch, taking it all in.

"Do you know how happy I am that you're awake?" he asks.

"Not as happy as I am to see you," I reply groggily. "I didn't know which way the battle was going to turn."

"Are you kidding?" he says with another laugh. "You saved everyone in the end."

"Because I had to make sure I got you and anyone else I could out and to safety."

I revel in his smile, the way the light makes his hair glow, his eyes that always have their own look when he sees me.

"You scared the crap out of me," he says. "I didn't know if you were going to wake up."

Then I realize I'm somewhere new. I look around me in confusion, seeing vast ceilings above, several people laying on cots while others mill about, huge balconies opening the room up to a view, and familiar faces sitting around another cot.

"Hey Faylen," Aragorn greets and comes over.

"Oh my gosh, hi!" I say excitedly.

He laughs and sits at the end of my cot, smiling like mad.

"Wait, how many days was I out?" I ask while looking between Legolas and Aragorn.

"Three days," my brother answers.

"Three days?!" I ask in shock.

Legolas trembles besides me and moves to sit on my cot as well, still gripping my hand like a lifeline.

"I'm okay," I reassure him.

He just continues smiling and kisses my hand in response.

"Yeah, lazy bones, you wouldn't wake up," another familiar voice says.


"Yeah it's me," she says while sitting up on her cot, cradling an injured arm.

I move to sit up and swing my legs over the cot's edge, testing my strength. Legolas rushes to still hold onto me, sitting next to me and wrapping an arm around me. While I don't like being fussed over I also want him to hold me forever, so I don't complain.

"You crazy girl, I thought it was you out there!" I say excitedly.

"Oh no, don't you support this too," Éomer says.

Another man I don't recognize smiles down at Éowyn, his face strangely familiar as he stands next to Aragorn.

"Of course I support a shieldmaiden of Rohan!" I say. "It may have to do with the fact that I'm a woman as well."

Éomer playfully rolls his eyes and puts a protective hand on his sister's shoulder.

"You kicked some ass right?" I ask my best friend excitedly.

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