Chapter 8:

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I feel happy with my new friendship starting with Legolas and I am glad I trusted Arwen. In the morning of the fifth day Aragorn has been gone, I feel something in the back of my mind and bring it forward. I close my eyes and can vividly feel the horror of the Ringwraiths, their darkness hitting me like a punch, knowing that they are chasing after Aragorn and what feels like four Hobbits. They are near Rivendell, just at the edge of the Trollshaws forest, and are moving as fast as they can, but something is wrong with one of the Hobbits. I can feel a foreign darkness pulling the ringbearer into the void and quickly open my eyes. I tie my scabbard tighter to my belt, load myself with several daggers, and my bow and quiver. I run through the halls of Rivendell, frantically searching for Elrond. I dig my heels in for a quick stop when I see the housekeeper, Brenna, down the hall.

"Brenna!" I shout.

She quickly rushes over to me with my frantic tone.

"What is it my lady?" she asks.

"Where is Lord Elrond?"

"Um, he should be having lunch in the family dining room."

I quickly set off again, yelling a quick thank you over my shoulder. I burst through the double doors of the dining room and Elrond, Arwen, and Legolas look up in alarm. I try to control my breathing as I rush over to them.

"Aragorn! He's in danger!" I say quickly. "He's near our borders but can't get across the open land between here and the Trollshaw forest. The Ringwraiths are right on top of him. What's worse is the ringbearer is in trouble and more Hobbits came with the party. He can't get all four of them over here by himself."

"Go quickly!" Elrond commanded.

Arwen, Legolas, and I rush from the room and bound outside as fast as our feet will take us.

"I will ride out and get Frodo, then Faylen you hold the Nazgul off as much as you can while Aragorn and the others rush into our borders," Arwen says.

I nod, knowing I won't be able to stop her when it comes to Aragorn. She begins to run off to the stables.

"Wait!" I call. "Take my horse, Wesley, he is one of the fastest!"

She nods and I sprint to the gates as I make my way out of sight of the palace.

* * * *

Faylen ran off at the speed of lightning with her sword already out and in her hand. Shortly after Arwen took off on the black stallion, leaving me wondering how to help. Guards quickly run by to get to their posts so I decide to join them. I run to one of the highest mountains of the valley and move swiftly up an old ladder, which tells me the guards don't normally come up here. I knew the top would be the place to see the trouble though. I reach the top and knock an arrow to my bow, afraid of any other looming danger coming besides the Ringwraiths. Just in time, I see Arwen leaned over Wesley and weaving past the Ringwraiths. Five of them start to go after her on their own horses while Faylen walks into the clearing confidently. Something draws the black riders to turn their attention to her, what I don't know. I can't believe my eyes when Faylen's sword bursts into flames and she wields it confidently, not afraid of the fire burning her.

She shouts something to the riders and a couple of them dismount with their swords out. Without hesitation she starts to fight them off and her sword stands against their own, the fire catching onto their cloaks and making them scream. One or two riders stray away and start heading off to the forest when a black smudge appears and Arwen urges Wesley on with a bundle in her arms. Wesley weaves between the two riders with precision with Aragorn and the other Hobbits behind on a smaller horse. Faylen waits for Arwen to make it to the river before rushing to Aragorn's horse and running along it to protect the group, her speed incredible. Aragorn barely makes it across the river but when he does Faylen stands her ground in front of it as the Ringwraiths rush at her.

I can't believe this, nothing can happen to her!

I am about to leave my perch when suddenly her sword's flame becomes so intense it takes on a blue sheen and the Nazgul began to flee. Faylen rushes after them and sets them on fire as quick as she can. I leave my spot and rush down to the entrance. Arwen passes me in a hurry towards the palace, no doubt trying to get the hurt Hobbit to a healer. Aragorn trots in, looked exhausted, and swings off his horse. I rush over to him and help lift down the three scared looking Hobbits. My eyes widen at Aragorn.

"Faylen!" I say.

"Right here!"

I turn to her voice as she slowly makes her way to us. She has a few cuts on her as well as dirt but aside from looking exhausted she doesn't seem any worse. I can't help myself and run to her, wrapping my arms around her. I feel her flinch but then relax as she hugs me back. I pull away and survey her.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"I'm fine," she says with that smile of hers.

Then she moves to Aragorn and they embrace in a tight hug. Aragorn pulls away and just shakes his head at her, probably thinking the same thing I am; how in the Valar did Faylen do what she did?

"Strider, is Mr. Frodo going to be okay?" one of the plump Hobbits asks.

It sounds weird to hear Aragorn's Ranger name again.

"He was taken to the healers and Lord Elrond. For now we should take care of you guys as well," he answers.

"Who are you?" another one with crazy golden hair asks Faylen.

"I am Faylen Adwynn," she says to him and holds out her hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."

He shakes her hand back. "I'm Pippin."

Faylen smiles and another Hobbit cuts in front of Pippin.

"And I am Merry," he says with a smile, trying to be charming. "Don't mind the other bloke."

"Hey!" Pippin says.

Faylen shakes Merry's hand as well and turns to the shy one who spoke to Aragorn.

"Sam Gamgee," he says quietly.

"Well it's nice to meet all of you," Faylen says kindly.

"And this is Legolas," Aragorn says and gestures to me.

I nod and together we take the Hobbits inside.

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