Chapter 13:

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My shoulder still hurt when I awoke but it isn't as bad as before. Our camp is hastily packed up and with sadness, we agree that we need to leave Lothlorien. We are led to the river where the lord and lady await for our departure. Elves approach us with cloaks in their hands. One by one they tie them around us, fastening them with a leaf shaped clasp.

"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people," Celeborn says. "May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes."

I bow as Celeborn passes by me and the Lady Galadriel begins approaching us individually. I look down the line to the Hobbits to see the lady handing out gifts. She stops in front of Legolas and hands him a new elven bow, beautifully crafted. He stares at it in awe, taking in every detail and trying it out in wonder. I can't help but softly smile at him. Soon she stands in front of me and I meet her eyes.

"And what would you like Faylen?" she asks.

"Nothing, my lady. Visiting your home has been a gift enough for me and I thank you for your kindness," I reply.

She lets out a gentle laugh.

"I thought that you might say that," she says, then she speaks in my mind again. "Does he know about what gift you were given in the Undying Lands?"

I shake my head, wondering why she doesn't speak aloud. Then it hits me; she is referring to Legolas. I never even told Aragorn or Arwen for I have not made my decision yet.

"You have a choice on whether or not you accept your gift of immortality. Accepting or not accepting immortality is about finding your reason for doing so. This necklace will symbolize that choice when you make it. Offer it to whomever makes you want to do so."

She drops a thin, silver chain into my palm with a small arrow pendant attached, a blue gem set into the tip of the arrow. I notice Legolas next to me looking at the necklace as well.

"This is like Arwen's Evenstar, isn't it?"

"Something like that."

"How do you know my reason will be because of someone?" I ask.

"Because this choice will not be bound to duty," she says. "Make the choice when you feel the time is right."

She closes my fingers over the necklace and looks at me one last time.

"Goodbye warrior."

With that she moves onto Gimli next to me and I look at the necklace in silence, knowing there is another choice I will soon have to make. I unclasp the chain and touch the charm around my throat. I don't meet Legolas's eyes as he makes his way to help pack up the boats. Lady Galadriel begins to walk Aragorn away from the group, both talking intently. I worry for him as his decision on whether or not to accept his fate and who he is has been tested repeatedly and will only continue.

I help pack up the three boats, overhearing Legolas telling Merry and Pippin about Lembas bread. He begins to walk away when Merry and Pippin turn towards each other.

"How many did you eat?" Merry asks.

"Four," Pip replies.

I can't help myself and let out a loud laugh. Merry and Pippin turn around with wide eyes at seeing me right behind them. I can't stop myself from laughing though, even when Legolas turns back around. I have to cover my mouth and try to hold it in but it ends up not working. The elf looks down to Merry and Pippin who shyly smile, their looks completely giving themselves away. I continue to laugh to myself as the boats are finished being loaded up. With one final look at the beautiful forest, the boats are pushed into the water and we set off. Boromir, Merry, and Pip make up one boat, Aragorn, Frodo, and Sam in another, and Legolas, Gimli, and myself in the third.

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