Chapter 4:

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Lady Arwen heard a call from the guards outside and rushed to her balcony. There she saw a rider clad in brown traveling clothes walking his horse up the main path to the palace. She grinned, instantly recognizing the man, and rushed down to the entrance. Aragorn met her gaze and smiled himself, both enveloping in a hug.

"I am glad to see you back safe," Arwen says when she pulls away. "It has been too long."

"I agree," Aragorn said, then a worried look crossed his face. "I am not late, am I?"

"No, no you have come in perfect timing."

She grabbed his hand and excitedly pulled him into the palace, knowing that her father would want to see Aragorn right away. Arwen had a bounce in her step, as she has had ever since her father told her the news.

"I have had a foresight vision of Faylen, home from the Undying Lands and attending to her duties in Middle Earth," Lord Elrond told Arwen.

"What!? Really?" Arwen asked in excitement.

"Yes. I believe she has been back for a while but with the growing threat of darkness she has had some work to do. But she is headed home now."

"When will she be here?"

"In a week's time."

Arwen had instantly written to Aragorn who promised he would be back for her homecoming. Bounding down the stairs ahead came Elladan and Elrohir, both laughing and probably up to mischief as usual. In their hands were treats no doubt from the kitchens. They paused in their step when they saw Arwen, her hands on her hips.

"And just what do you two think you are doing?" Arwen asks.

"Um... nothing," Elrohir answers.

"Oh hey Aragorn! Good to see you again brother!" Elladan says.

"Do not try to change the subject!" Arwen scolds before Aragorn could respond. "I know that the kitchen didn't just happen to give you those treats when they are so busy with preparing for tonight's banquet. How many times do I have to tell you not to touch the food for the party?"

"Obviously once more," Elrohir says with a mouthful of pastry.

Arwen rolled her eyes and went back to leading Aragorn to Lord Elrond's study.

"Father," she says as she opens the door. "Look who decided to finally show up."

Aragorn smiles at her teasing and gives a bow to Elrond who just shook his head at his formalities. Elrond steps forward to give Aragorn a hug, pulling away with a huge grin.

"Glad to see you again," Elrond says. "And in perfect timing too."

"That's what I'm told," Aragorn answers.

Just then a horn blows in the distance and a guard shouts for all to hear.

"Rider coming from the gates!"

"That must be her," Aragorn says.

The three rush from the room, across the walkways, and down the staircases, Arwen leading the way. They arrive outside on the front steps just in time to see a rider clad in black riding a dark stallion who trots up the path. The rider lowers their hood to reveal a tall woman, her blonde hair shining in the sunshine and her sword and daggers glinting in the light as she swings off her saddle. She wears shining black armor that makes her hair stand out even more. An elf rushes up to her to take her horse which she gladly accepts. Walking forward in tall boots, she noticed the party on the stairs and a smile lit up her face. Arwen ran forward and the woman met her. They embrace in a hug with laughter coming from the pair. Arwen steps back to admire the woman.

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