Chapter 29:

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Ashkin stays steady beneath me despite the long journey that began at dawn. It is just past midday now as we travel along the outcrops of Mordor, Aragorn leading the pack dressed in king's armor with Anduril at his side. It wasn't long after the meeting that the surviving forces assembled and we set out, another battle ahead. What scares me most is that no one is rushing to the Black Gates with the intent to win, just to pose as a distraction. Battles set in motion with those intentions never end well. What's worse is that something changed in Aragorn recently and I fear it had to do with his contact with Sauron, his fearless determination something I can no longer see in the way he holds himself. I grip Ashkin's reigns tighter and try to push the thought of Sauron away, the shadow looming inside me. I will fight to the death just as in any other battle but being so close to destroying the enemy makes the instinct to go that far hard to act on when I so badly want to see through to an end in our favor rather than seeing us end only as a distraction. The head of the column rounds a large, rocky cliff and the dreaded Black Gate come into view with its sharp, metallic pieces reaching towards the sky. I hold myself steady next to Aragorn's horse with Legolas and Gimli at my other side. I look across Aragorn to see Gandalf, Éomer, and Merry and Pippin take in the sight. Merry nervously meets my glance and I give him a nod to which he replies with a small smile. Darkness looms in my mind and I bring it forward, feeling the horror of the Great Eye settling on us from behind the gates. A hand encloses around mine and gives me a reassuring squeeze. I hold onto Legolas with my remaining strength as Aragorn moves his mare forward from the mass of his army.

"Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! Let justice be done upon him!" Aragorn shouts.

I can feel the crowd tense in anxiety as we await an answer. Then the Black Gate slowly begins to open just enough to let out a lone rider who heads towards us. The creature is armored head to toe, as well as its horse, with a helmet covering its entire face besides his mouth where yellowed, sharpened teeth show. He gives a menacing grin as he takes us in. When the creature's eyes briefly meet mine, I can feel the weight of the Great Eye looking into me.

"My master, Sauron the Great, bids thee welcome," it says and flashes Aragorn with a hideous, toothy smile.

Aragorn gives him a mocking look back and I have to hide my smile as Aragorn is already holding a match against this monster.

"Is there any in this rout with authority to treat with me?" the creature asks.

"We do not come to treat with Sauron, faithless and accursed," Gandalf bellows out. "Tell your master this; the armies of Mordor must disband. He is to depart these lands, never to return."

"Old Greybeard," it sneers back. "I have a token I was bidden to show thee."

In one swift motion it pulls out a piece of clothing that dazzles in the light. My heart drops when I see that it is a coat of mithril.

"Frodo," Pippin cries out.

The creature throws it to Gandalf who barely catches it in his shock.

"Frodo!" Pippin cries louder.

"Silence," Gandalf says, noticing how he begins to hold himself from breaking down.

"No!" Merry says.

"Silence!" Gandalf repeats and looks to the creature in disgust.

We haven't come all this way after all this time for Sauron to have gotten his hands on Frodo and Sam. It just can't be true. I push my doubts away and do not let it turn to grief but to anger. I direct all my rage at the servant of Sauron and stare it down.

"The Halfling was dear to thee, I see. Know that he suffered greatly at the hands of his host," it says and I find myself gripping my sword's hilt. "Who would've thought one so small could endure so much pain? And he did, Gandalf. He did."

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