Chapter 17:

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In the morning, my clothes and armor are back at my bedside and I change into my ranger garb, not needing to wear my armor today. I strap my sword to my side and decide to leave my other weapons behind. I silently leave the room so not to wake Éowyn and head down the corridor. I pass servants and men and guards in the hall and head outside to the warm sunshine. I navigate the grounds from memory and find myself in the royal gardens where Éowyn took me before. I don't think she or the king would mind if I stayed for a while, taking in all the scenery. While the shadow and darkness of Mordor is still at the back of my mind, I am able to push it away for once as I stand content to take in the flowers and the smell of the country. Footsteps sound behind me as I admire a butterfly sitting on a branch. I turn to see it is just Legolas.

"Hey," I say.

"Hi," he says kindly. "I take it you are glad to be out of that dress?"

I laugh and look down to my feet.

"I guess it wasn't that bad," I say.

"Well you looked beautiful in it," Legolas says as he moves to stand closely in front of me.

I look into his blue eyes in shock, my heart beginning to rapidly beat.

"What did you just say?"

"You heard me and it's about time I said it."

His soft but callused hands grab my own.

"I have waited a long time to tell you that you are beautiful, strong, fearless, kind, smart, and a fighter. Ever since the day we met eyes at that party I cannot stop thinking about you."

"Legolas," I whisper and look down at our joined hands.

Gently he places fingers under my chin and lifts my head up to look back at him.

"I soon realized that I am in love with you Faylen Adwynn. Every time I look at you my breath is taken away. Each time we speak I long to continue hearing you're voice and your laugh. I want to be yours and stay by your side as long as you will have me."

"Legolas, I am flattered. But I am a danger to be around and surrounded by darkness. Those who stay with me end up getting hurt," I say, sad that I have to push him away.

"If you don't feel the same then I-"

"That's the thing though, I do feel the same for you."

I grip his hand tighter and even brush a stray hair from his face, beginning to smile thinking about how he affects me so much.

Tell him the truth so you don't lose him.

"I have slowly fallen in love with you, Legolas Greenleaf, since we became friends. I made myself be open to you and to trust you. I am in love with the way you say my name, how safe I feel around you, how I love your blue eyes that I always seem to get lost in. I have never felt this way for someone before or had them like me in this way. I just... I can't see you get hurt because of me," I say.

"Oh Faylen," he murmurs and runs a finger down the side of my face.

I revel in his touch as he raises my head to meet his and slowly leans in, not looking away for a second. His warm hand cups my face and his other hand moves to the small of my back. Then his lips crash into mine and he kisses me gently. I close my eyes and at first I hesitate but then open up to him and kiss him back. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist to pull me closer. He kisses me more urgently, murmuring my name between breaths. My body is filled with heat and an electric-like feeling at his touch, making me forget everything but him. He pulls away and presses his forehead against mine as we breathe the same air. I can't help but smile back as I look at him, never believing this would happen to me. He grins back and moves in for another kiss before pulling away again. He moves my hand to rest over his heart.

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