Chapter 12:

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I follow the Fellowship back down the stairs while thinking about the words Galadriel just told me.

"The one that you have long seeked for is already with you. Give her time to trust you and she will be forever loyal to you. Do not let her down for she has seen too much disappointment and grief. For I have shown you the truth before."

"You sent me that dream?" I ask in my head.

"I did."

I look at the back of Faylen who is up ahead talking with Aragorn, knowing now that my feelings I have grown to feel for her are not just made up but true. Haldir shows us to a space set under trees where everyone slumps down onto the grass from exhaustion.

"They've even already got firewood ready for us," Gimli mumbles in discontent.

Boromir lights the fire in the pit and the Hobbits, of course, pull out food. Around us, elves can be heard singing. Sam looks around in wonder.

"A lament for Gandalf," I tell him sadly.

"What do they say about him?" Merry asks.

"I do not have the heart to tell you. For me the grief is still too near," I reply sadly.

I turn away as the Hobbits begin talking about the fireworks Gandalf used to make. I make my way over to the others where Faylen sits down on one of the logs, gritting her teeth and holding back a cry. I go to move to her side but Aragorn beats me to it.

"Let me see," he says to her.

"I'm fine," Faylen gets out.

"Faylen," Aragorn warns.

She rolls her eyes and tries to slip up her sleeve but a loud cry comes out instead.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to cut off your sleeve to see it," Aragorn says and rummages through his pack.

"It's okay, I have another shirt," Faylen gets out.

I sit close by, ready to rush over to her should she need help. Aragorn pulls out several herbs, one being Athelas. First he cuts off her sleeve, revealing a strong, toned arm. Then he pours water onto the long gash and begins to clean it.

"Dang it Aragorn," Faylen says and begins to strongly curse.

"I think the lady just cursed in four different languages," Boromir says.

Aragorn must be used to it for he continues to work. Finally after putting the Athelas onto the gash, he pulls out a bandage to wrap around her forearm.

"Don't move it too much," he tells her.

She simply nods.

"Anyone else hurt?" Aragorn asks as he stands.

Sam and Pippin raise their hands and Aragorn makes his way to them with his supplies. I watch as Frodo lifts his shirt and reveals a large, dark bruise from the impact of the spear earlier.

"I'll tend to that," Boromir says.

Then Faylen looks to me with wide, green eyes.

"Are you good?" I ask her.

"I'm fine," she says again and waves it off. "Are you?"

"Yes I think so," I say, usually not having to worry about injuries.

"Then why is there a stain of blood on your shoulder?" she asks and moves to sit next to me.

"Oh it's nothing," I say but realize it does hurt a bit now that I've lost adrenaline.

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