Chapter 10:

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I wake up when hearing a cough and open my eyes. I can feel Wesley laying against me, my head rested on his side. I stayed with him in the stables last night for I cannot bring him on this quest. He has been at my side for years now since raising him from being a small colt. Standing outside the stall, I look up to see Aragorn with raised eyebrows and Legolas next to him trying to hold back a laugh. I jump to my feet, Wesley moving with me and fold my arms over my chest.

"What are you doing Faylen?" Aragorn asks.

"I wanted to be with Wesley before we left. I have never parted with him yet," I answer and turn to stroke Wesley's face. "Goodbye nin mel."

I exit the stall and find that both men are dressed in their traveling gear with weapons loaded.

"We are about to leave. We weren't able to find you to give you warning," Aragorn says.

"I am ready," I say, looking at my tough traveling clothes I wore overnight for this exact reason.

I scoop up my sword, daggers, knives, bow, and quiver.

"Ready then?" I ask the two men.

"I should have known better," Aragorn says and walks out shaking his head.

I shoot my new friend a smile and we head out to the Fellowship. I made sure to say my goodbyes to Arwen and Elrond last night, who now stand outside. I give them a small wave which they return. The small horse Aragorn rode in on the other day when returning is saddled up with the things we will need and Sam stays close to it, stroking its short mane. Gandalf nods when seeing me and without any other words we begin to set off after Elrond gives us his blessing. I give one last wave, noticing Aragorn trying to force his way forward from staring at Arwen. He joins the group and I move to hold his hand, knowing how hard parting with her is for him and how much he has yet to face. He gives me a grateful look.

The road is rough underneath my boots and there is so much to survey for danger around us that I have to channel deep into my senses. We all form a line; Gandalf in the front with Aragorn, me behind the pair, and the others filed behind with Legolas as the rearguard due to his keen eyesight. The Hobbits keep asking when we are going to stop or when we can eat something, and I have to hold back my laughter the whole time. We make way towards the mountains that seem to be moving away from us with each passing hour. Finally after Aragorn whispers with Gandalf, he turns to face us all.

"Up ahead is a good place to camp for the night," he says.

"Oh thank goodness," Merry says. "I think my feet are going to fall off."

He slumps down onto the grass and lays back, Pippin joining him.

"And I am starving. Let's make some food," Sam says and rushes to set up camp.

Sam is a pretty good cook for what supplies we have and I happily eat his stew. The late afternoon passes in no hurry, which is nice due to how far we've come, and I sit next to Aragorn and watch as Boromir gives some tips to Merry and Pippin on sword fighting. For the Hobbits small size they are doing better than I thought when it comes to holding up the blade.

"Get away from the blade Pippin," Boromir says and watches Pippin do so. "On your toes, good! Very good. I want you to react, not think."

"Move your feet," Aragorn calls out.

Behind me I pick up a conversation between Gimli and Gandalf. Gimli says that we should take the road to the mines of Moria for we are taking the long way around the mountains. Gandalf refuses. I turn back to the sword fight where Pippin and Merry suddenly lunge at Boromir and tackle him to the ground to the sound of laughter. Aragorn laughs beside me and I am about to join in when I can feel a sense coming over me. I stand and walk to the edge of the hill we sit upon, feeling darkness coming. Legolas rushes over to me and watches out to the sky.

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