Chapter 7:

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Earlier was fun with Faylen and I felt so at ease with her, something I haven't felt for a while. Though I did notice her worry when we made our bargain and I hope I didn't push her too far.

Curse my curiosity.

I walk to her room and knock lightly on her door. It takes a few moments for her to answer.

"Come on in," she says quietly.

"Thank you," I say.

She closes the door behind us as I take in her room. It's simple with a few swords and a bow hanging on the wall above her bed. She only has a few personal things throughout the room but the best thing about the space is the view. The wind ruffles the curtains hanging off to the side between a few pillars and I walk out onto the balcony. You can see most of Rivendell from here, including the entrance. Off to the side is a small table with two chairs where I take a seat. She moves to join me, her focus on the sunset.

"It's so beautiful here," I say.

"Yes it is, but is it not beautiful in the Greenwood as well?" she asks.

"Not as it used to be."

She nods and I'm glad she leaves it at that.

"So I guess we'll get this over with," she says and rests her arms on the table's wood top. "What is it you want to know?"

"I get to pick?" I ask in shock.

She just shrugs her shoulders.

"There are many things I keep hidden so I'm not exactly sure what to tell you."

"Well then," I say, puzzled about what I want to know about this woman. Then it hits me.

"How did you end up in Rivendell?" I finally ask.

She closes her eyes a second before opening them and looks at me, her eyes different shades of green that blend together like the forest that I can't help but let myself be drawn into.

"I came here when I was ten years old," she says and looks off into the distance. "I was being hunted by someone. He... the man was my father. I never saw him as a father after what he did to my family and I for so many years. One night a fire broke out in our home and spread like wildfire. I had a gut feeling that he was responsible for it because he had threatened so many times to burn us all alive, so I got the few weapons I had kept hidden and tried to get my brother and mother out. The fire was so hot and the smoke so thick as he attacked me.

I tried to fight him off as much as I could but he was so much stronger than me. I remember getting stabbed and licked by the flames but darkness would not take me. I saw him approach my mother next and as she met my eyes, I got up and ran to her with my small dagger. However I was too late and she died before my eyes. My father shot me with an arrow in my shoulder and fought me again. My younger brother tried to defend me but he too was taken from me and I was left alone. I had no choice but to escape and when I had my chance I took it, though I hated myself for doing so and leaving them behind. I blended in with the fleeing villagers and started to run as fast as I could. All night I could hear him and his men shouting for me but I did not stop. Eventually I made it here, though I had no idea where I was at the time.

Aragorn found me in the woods and without hesitation he took me to Lord Elrond and a healer. Eventually I had to tell them what happened to me but was surprised when they didn't kick me out. I continued to be hunted but the elves kept me a secret and I've been here ever since."

As she finishes her story, she wipes at her eyes quickly and finally looks over to me. I am lost for words though, now knowing why everyone said she was so strong for I could see it too now. I knew that wasn't even the beginning of the horrors she's endured and my eyes fall to the long scar on her neck that runs down from the chin to collarbone and the scar running along her forearm. I clear my throat, searching for something to say.

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