Chapter 18:

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A knock sounds on my door the next morning as I prepare myself for the road ahead. Éowyn is up in the main hall getting herself and her people ready as well.

"Come in," I say while trying to get my armor fastened, my arm still bruised and tight from my encounter with the Wild Men.

Legolas comes in, wearing his Elven gear with his bow in hand and his quiver on his back along with two Elven blades peeking above his shoulders. I look in awe at how magnificent he looks, still not believing that he is mine. He smirks at my stare and comes forward.

"Need help?"

I give him a nod and he moves to clasp my armor together. I look up to his concentrated eyes.

"You look very handsome," I say.

He meets my eyes as he finishes fastening the last piece of my armor while he plays with my necklace charm.

"And you look very alluring yourself," he says.

I feel myself blushing and he cups my face.

"Why do you still blush?" he teases.

"I am not used to being complemented or called beautiful is all."

He just shakes his head with a smile, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"You should be called beautiful every day and showered with kisses, which I plan to do."

I laugh and playfully push him back. I fasten my quiver onto my back with two long knives as well, put two daggers into each of my boots, and of course fasten Lightsbane to my side.

"Ready?" I ask him.

He nods and takes my hand as we head outside where everyone is saddling up, the column of Rohirrim people forming a long line that marches out of Edoras.

"Ride with me?" Legolas asks.

I look to Gimli.

"Don't you normally ride with Gimli?" I ask.

As if the Dwarf knows we are talking about him, he comes up to us with a proud look.

"I want to ride by myself today," he says and moves back to his horse.

"Well all right then," I say to Legolas. "I will."

Aragorn awaits with his horse and Ashkin, handing the reins off to Legolas. King Théoden is at the head of the group of his men, giving orders to set off. Legolas jumps into the saddle and I climb up behind him. I press myself against him as I settle behind, wrapping my arms around his waist after attaching my bow next to his on the saddle. This being my first time on a horse with Legolas, I find myself feeling a bit giddy. We move out and join the king's men, going to the front of the line of refugees. Time goes on as we cross the Riddermark, Legolas and I talking softly together. Gimli sits well atop his mare and is talking animatedly with Éowyn who leads her horse next to him. Aragorn reins up next to us and just smiles as we listen to Gimli.

"It's true, you don't see many Dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance that they're often mistaken for Dwarf men," he says.

Éowyn smiles and turns to look at Aragorn.

"It's the beards," he says quietly and makes an invisible beard with his hand.

Éowyn shh's him with a smile and turns back to Gimli. I feel Legolas rumbling with laughter he is trying to keep held in and I turn to punch Aragorn's shoulder since he is so close, holding in laughter myself.

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