Chapter 2:

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I opened my eyes, confusion overtaking me. Around me was no longer the sounds of screaming or blades being drawn. The pain that overtook me before was now dulled to a numbing sensation. I moved to sit up and almost didn't hear the sweet and gentle sounding voice from next to me.

"Easy. Do not sit up too fast."

I looked at my hands, no longer covered in grime and blood. The gashes on my arm were sealed up, only leaving behind pink lines on my ivory skin. I was dressed in a fine silk gown set against white bed sheets. I look to my right to find I'm in an open, airy room with a balcony just a few steps away. Beyond that were trees blowing in the brisk, autumn air. To my left I find a fair and beautiful looking woman sitting in a chair next to the bed. Her long, dark hair flows past her shoulders and contrasts against her porcelain skin. Her grey eyes tell me she is young but also wise as she smiles at me.

"Where... where am I? What happened?" I sputter out, my voice groggy and rough.

"You are in Rivendell, home to the elves and ruled by Lord Elrond. Do not worry young one, you are safe. I promise. As for how you got here, someone found you at our borders in a terrible state where he quickly rushed you here to be healed. Someone did quite the number on you, but you are going to be okay."

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I am Lady Arwen, daughter of Elrond and Celebrian."

Everything finally starts to process, and I widen my eyes in shock at the truth of the situation.

"Oh my lady. Please forgive me, I had no idea I had made it as far as Rivendell and am honored to be in your presence."

She smiles even more and lets out a smooth laugh.

"You are quite alright. I think we can get past the formalities if you would give me your name," Arwen says.

"I am Faylen... Faylen Adwynn." I answer.

"Well it is an honor to meet such a kind girl such as yourself Faylen."

Then dread hits me when I remember how I got to be here.

"Oh no. Oh no, I cannot be here!" I say frantically and quickly begin to get out of bed.

"Faylen, that's not such a good i-"

But Arwen is cut off as I fall to my knees as if I have no strength at all.

"Please you are not strong enough. You must sit down."

With a hand on my back she helps me get back on the bed so that I at least am sitting facing towards her.

"I can't be here my lady," I say urgently.

"Why ever not?" she asks.

"I... I can't."

"Please whatever you say will not affect you being here. I need to know if something is wrong so we can better protect you."

I look down at my scarred hands in my lap and let out a sigh.

"I am being hunted," I get out with my voice beginning to crack.

"Hunted? A small girl like you? By who?" Arwen asks in concern.

When I don't answer she gently places a hand under my chin and makes me look at her. Looking into her eyes, I feel that no matter the truth things will be okay.

"I am being chased by a man and whatever people have joined him. I was running away from my home in a small village. A fire was set ablaze and went out of control. I was trying to get to my mother and brother but the man, my father, got in the way and I had to watch as he... as he murdered them in front of me."

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