Chapter 3:

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I storm into the halls of the palace, frantically wondering where Elrond is for he does not need sleep. I head to his study first and knock rapidly on the door.

"Come in," a voice says.

I burst into the room, out of breath, and Lord Elrond turns away from the window to face me.

"I was expecting you. I assume you just spoke to Gandalf?" he asks.

"Uh yeah!" I say exasperated. "Do you mind telling me what the hell is going on? Because he just told me some gibberish about black knights and me being some chosen one. I don't understand what's going on!" I practically shout.

I regret losing my control in front of Elrond, but I need answers and fast.

"Sit down Faylen," he says and moves to one of the several bookcases lining the walls.

Despite my agitated state I do as told. I watch as he grabs a thick book and sits down next to me, flipping to a page where the text is faded and the paper yellowed.

"I want you to read the far passage on the right."

I do so and try to digest the words.

Many years after the line of black knights has gone from the realm, darkness will slowly creep back in.
But there will be one chosen when the time is right and a protector will be needed once again.
This person will be one of the fiercest warriors known with a steady head and a sense of true justice to bring about peace.
The darkness will fear the light this warrior will bring with a mighty sword to accompany them in battle.
Long shall they reign.

I look up at Elrond in shock and surprise.

"So this isn't a joke. I am the one this prophecy is referring to?"

"Yes and if you accept your fate. I know you will be successful for I have seen it. I have also seen this darkness beginning to come to life and by the time you return from your training, you will be needed to fight and bring the peace back."

I let out a sigh, and a distinct feeling hits me as I realize that apparently Middle Earth needs me; actually needs me! I look to the man who has acted as a father figure to me and as a confident.

"Tell me what I have to do."

* * * *

The elf ran through the forest that was beginning to fill with corruption and darkness. At least today's events were able to distract him from last night's lingering dream that seemed to be haunting him. He could see the group of other guards up ahead, no longer in the position to fight.

"Elros!" the elf called to a close friend and member of the guard. "Are we all clear?"

"For now," Elros replied. "Though I am afraid the spiders will be back."

"Well we have pushed them back enough for today. Let us return home."

The elven guard made their way back to the kingdom of Mirkwood with one elf heading to the elven king's halls. His long blonde hair shined in the light and his bright blue eyes took in every detail around him. Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of the Woodland Realm, approached his father, Thranduil, who sat on his throne wearing the finest of silk robes. His shining hair, similar to his son's, fell around him like silk and a crown sat atop his head. He had a stern look on his face as he stared off in a daze. Legolas put a hand over his heart and bowed before speaking.

"Father, we have pushed back the spiders as much as we could," Legolas says smoothly.

Thranduil slowly turned his attention to Legolas.

"Very good. I am afraid that they will return in more numbers than earlier times due to this terrible darkness spreading once again," Thranduil says.

"Myself and the guard will keep a close eye on things, as well as the perimeters."

"Sounds like an excellent plan son."

Legolas made to turn away when Thranduil spoke up again.

"However, there is a new task I am assigning to you," Thranduil says.

Legolas turns back to face his father with a questioning look.

"And what would that be?" he asked.

"Since that vile creature Gollum escaped imprisonment here, I want you to go to Rivendell and deliver the news to Lord Elrond."

"Lord Elrond? Why so?"

"I feel he has some more information about this darkness and how Gollum is connected to it. I would see that you set off right away."

Legolas let out a quiet sigh but knew he had to obey his father's orders.

"I will set out this evening if that is what you wish."

"Splendid. Also, what seems to be troubling you son?" Thranduil asked, leaning forward on his throne.

"Troubling me? Nothing," Legolas hesitantly answered, believing the truth would sound stupid.

"Nonsense. Tell me for it is not good to travel with something lingering on your mind when you need to be alert."

"Well, it's just... I had a strange dream last night that was more real than any I've ever had. I saw this tall figure dressed in black armor walking out of fog with a cape flowing behind them and a hood covering their face. And they were carrying this sword that was on fire."

Thranduil studied Legolas with a strange look.

"And this is the first time something like this has happened before?" Thranduil asked intently.

"Well yes," Legolas answered. "What do you think it means? Am I worrying for nothing?"

"I think you should ask Lord Elrond when you reach Rivendell. He will have a better answer than I ever could."

Legolas nodded and with a final goodbye he left to pack his things. He traveled light, mostly bringing along weapons. With a final look behind him at the kingdom, the elf set off into the night.

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