Chapter 15:

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"One stage of your journey is over, another begins," Gandalf the white says as we move out of the forest. "War has come to Rohan. We must ride to Edoras with all speed."

"Faylen said this about Rohan before," I say sadly.

The others talk about what must be done but I can only think of Faylen.

I miss her.

We found Merry and Pippin safe and even Gandalf came back, but Faylen is not to be found. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look to see Aragorn seems to be thinking the same thing.

"We will find her," he says.

All I can do is nod as we step out of the forest and onto the plains of Rohan. Gandalf whistles and in the distance I can see something making its way towards us. It's a white horse.

"That is one of the mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell," I say in shock.

The horse slows to a trot and stands in front of Gandalf who begins stroking its neck.

"Shadowfax. He's the lord of all horses and has been my friend through many dangers," Gandalf says lovingly.

"Let's make for Rohan then," Aragorn says and jumps into his saddle.

I swing up onto my horse as well and give Gimli a hand up. He settles into the saddle behind me and Gandalf sets us off at a quick pace. We ride for hours under the hot sun with my thoughts still on Faylen.

"Lad, look!" Gimli says behind me.

I raise my eyes to the distance to see a horse quickly making its way to us. The rider's black armor contrasts with the white horse and their hair blows behind them in the wind.

"I can't believe it," I say.

I charge my horse forward and rush to meet the rider as if they knew my thoughts.

"Woah," Gimli says behind me and grabs my tunic to hang on.

I can feel Aragorn and Gandalf behind us as the rider comes into view. My eyes only see her as she comes into better view, though I would recognize her face from a mile away. She grins and slows her horse to a stop. We both jump from our saddles at the same time and I run to her, not being able to help myself.

"Hey stranger," she says with that smile of hers.

I wrap my arms around her and lift her off the ground to swing her around, hearing her melodic laugh before setting her down and burying my head in her hair.

"Faylen," I murmur.

She pulls back and those wide, pine green eyes meet mine.

"Well geez, I didn't think I'd be missed," she jokes.

I move a loose strand of windblown hair behind her ear and continue to smile while taking her in.

"I'm so glad I found you," I say.

"Me too," she says.

Her gaze looks past my shoulders and she leaves my arms, rushing towards the man who is a brother to her.

"Faylen!" he says before giving her a fierce hug.

"Aragorn," she says.

The both pull away and put a hand on each other's shoulders, both grinning ear to ear.

"Don't scare me like that again," he says.

"I'll try not to," she says teasingly.

Then her smile drops.

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