Chapter 5:

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I look up from reviewing the large map set out on the wooden table in Elrond's study to see Arwen leading in Aragorn and Prince Legolas. I wasn't expecting for him to be here and turn to Elrond with a quizzical look. He simply nods his head and I turn back to placing markers on the map, trusting he thinks Legolas's presence is needed.

"Thank you for coming. I am sorry to have pulled you away from the festivities," Elrond says with a grim look.

Another knock sounds at the door and Arwen checks to see who is there. A familiar looking wizard stands in the door frame and if it wasn't for the reality of why we were all brought here, I would smile.

"I hope I did not miss anything?" Gandalf asks.

"No my friend, you are just in time," Elrond greets.

Gandalf nods and moves to stand next to the lord.

"It's good to see you all, though I wish it was on better terms," Gandalf says.

"What's going on?" Aragorn asks warily.

I place the last marker on the map and fold my arms over my chest, staring at the floor.

"Gandalf and I have figured out what this looming presence of darkness is and it is nothing good," Elrond says. "The one ring of power has been found."

I look up to see worry on Arwen's face, Aragorn's eyes wide in disbelief, and Legolas shaking his head.

"You mean the Dark Lord's ring? Sauron's ring?" Arwen asks.

"I am afraid so," Gandalf says. "It was first found by the creature Gollum and then passed along to none other than the Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, living in the Shire before being given to his nephew, Frodo."

"So that explains why Gollum is connected to the darkness," Legolas says.

I look over to him to see his blue eyes in concentration.

"The main reason my father sent me here was to inform you that Gollum escaped the prisons of Mirkwood," Legolas says. "We are still trying to figure out how but it is certain that he is no longer in the area."

"That is unfortunate news. The only problem it will pose is that he knows Bilbo had the ring and so if he is captured by Sauron's followers then the information will be told," Elrond says.

"I am afraid the Dark Lord already knows," Gandalf says.

Now Elrond turns to him in shock.

"And what's worse is that the Ringwraiths have already been sent out to search for the ring and the Bagginses."

"Well then that leaves no choice. Gandalf, you mentioned that you were going to ride to the Shire after tonight, so Aragorn I want you to head to Bree in a few days time and wait for the Hobbit there. Then you are to escort the ringbearer back here. We are going to have to call a meeting for all races of Middle Earth to attend to see to the business of the ring," Elrond says. "Faylen, the Ringwraiths will be hunting down Aragorn and the Hobbit so I want you on guard here so that when they arrive, you can keep the Nazgûl from entering Rivendell."

"Can I help assist?" Legolas asks.

"I'm afraid Faylen is the only one who can truly hold them back with Lightsbane," Gandalf answers.

All eyes turn to the sword at my side which I have not unsheathed since I arrived here.

"There's also another concern," I say and gesture to the map laid out. "There are groups of Orcs already dispatching. I have mapped them several different places though they will only grow more in numbers."

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