Chapter 16:

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I stand off to the side at the funeral so that the king's family and friends can be closer to the tomb, my sword back at my side once again. Éowyn beautifully chants as Theodred's body is brought past and taken into the tomb. Legolas comes to my side with sadness in his eyes, both of us still in our traveling clothes. Éowyn's chant ends and the tomb is shut. Slowly people leave in somber, clad in black to show respect. Aragorn nods to us and we begin to leave too. I am surprised when Éowyn comes to my side and grabs my arm, beginning to walk with me as we all leave the king and Gandalf at the grave.

"Are you okay?" I whisper to Éowyn.

"Everything happening has been hard to take in. I was there for Theodred's death so I grieved after. Now all we can do is move on and face what is coming," she says.

I pat her on the hand as we make our way back into Meduseld where already long, wooden tables are being set up.

"We are to have a feast tonight to celebrate the prince's life," she says.

"That will be nice," I say.

"Which means we need to get you cleaned up," Éowyn says and laughs.

"Woah? What? I'm fine like this," I say.

She grabs my arm and begins pulling me after her while I dig in my heels in protest. Éowyn is strong though and soon I have to give in and follow her. I look over my shoulder to see Legolas watching me. I mouth 'help' at him as Éowyn continues pulling me, making Legolas laugh.

* * * *

I step out of Éowyn's bathing chambers and into her large room which she allowed me to stay in the last time I came. She is already in a pretty green dress that falls to the floor, her hair pulled elegantly back. She is grinning from ear to ear which makes me give her a suspicious look.

"What?" I ask. "What'd you do?"

"Look to the bed," she says.

Laid out on the bed is a long, flowy, white dress with a cerulean blue bodice. The trim on the sleeves and neckline is silver with a pattern of vines embroidered into it, the neckline being more revealing than anything I've ever worn, with the dress being tied up from the front and back.

"Éowyn," I warn her with my hands on my hips. "What is this?"

"I thought you should wear it tonight of course," she answers.

"No way. Not going to happen."

"Yes it will!"

"Where is my armor?" I ask while searching around the room for where I put it. "Where is my tunic and trousers?"

"I sent them to be patched up and washed for they smelled hideous. And your armor is being polished up so the only clothes you have to wear tonight is this dress," she says mischievously.

I let out a sigh.

"You do know that I've never worn a dress in my life, right?"

"Haha, well there is always a first time."

I try to run through my options in my head of what else to do but Éowyn only has dresses in her wardrobe and I can't exactly show up to an elegant feast wearing men's clothes that don't fit.

"And no sword," she says.

I pout but end up parting with Lightsbane once again.

"Plus you will impress many men tonight," Éowyn adds in.

"Okay, now you are pushing it," I laugh as I examine the dress more. "I am a warrior on a mission, not a maiden trying to find a man."

"Oh come on, I see the way you look at that Elf," she teases and begins to help me into the dress.

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