Chapter 22:

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I enter the Golden Hall that is filled with yelling and music for tonight's feast to celebrate our victory and the lives of those who fell. Of course, having no other option, I am stuck wearing a dress. This one is similar to the last one I wore, the only difference is it is green. I rolled my eyes at Éowyn earlier who said it'd go with my eyes. I tuck my hair behind my ear and look around at men who are already drunk with piles of tankards surrounding them. I have heard that the people of Rohan like to throw huge feasts, already seeing from the last one that they are different from those thrown by the Elves, but this one is even crazier. I make my way over to Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli who are also wearing their best. Aragorn just shakes his head when seeing me while Legolas stares with his mouth slightly open.

"Wipe that look off your face," I tease him, not liking to be the center of attention.

A mug of ale is thrown into my hands with Legolas still keeping his eyes on me. I stare down at the brown liquid, never having a taste for the drink before. Though I see everyone now has one in hand so it must be for a toast. Sure enough the king moves to the front of the room where Éowyn bows and hands him a cup before giving a smile to her brother. I was so happy to see them reunite after the battle where ever since that have been glued at the hip.

"Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country!" Théoden shouts as chatter stops. "Hail the victorious dead!"

"Hail!" the crowd says and takes a drink.

I only take a small sip before setting it aside. Gimli however drains his mug and then moves to pick mine up. Legolas doesn't drink his at all.

"Still used to Elven wine?" I tease.

"Ha-ha, but yes. It is so much stronger than this water."

I laugh as the crowd begins to shout and return to celebrating. Éomer across the room roars with his men, the group being the loudest. I chuckle and watch as people move to the sides of the room and others move in as they begin to dance to a fast-paced beat.

"These people sure know how to throw a party," I say.

Legolas nods and I look for Aragorn but he has already left us. I shrug, not worried about it as he deserves to celebrate. Éowyn is in the center of the dance floor, her golden hair flying around her as she laughs with others. She catches my eye and I instantly regret it, knowing what is to come. She beckons for me to come over to which I just shake my head. I feel a gentle push behind me as Legolas softly moves me forward. I raise my eyebrows at him as he breaks out in a grin.

"Go! I like seeing you dance!" he shouts over the other voices.

"I'll get you back for this later!" I say over my shoulder.

Éowyn grabs my hands and begins to drag me back to the center of the throng of people. Maidens dance with each other, husbands and wives and lovers dance, and children make up their own moves to the tune. Just like last time, despite my clumsy and rather embarrassing moves, I get pulled into the jig and smile as I move with Éowyn at my side. Some other girls join us and I find Legolas and Éomer staring and laughing. I just shake my head at them and hold up a vulgar gesture to which only makes them roar with laughter even harder, Éomer throwing his head back after raising a tankard to me. Despite not drinking, I feel drunk from the happiness around me as everyone pushes away worries of what's to come to enjoy the moment. I realize that I haven't done anything like this since I was a little girl when dancing with Arwen at gatherings and crave the feeling to overtake me.

"All the guys are staring at you," I tease Éowyn over the music.

"Ah, your just saying that," she jokes back though I know she is lying, what guy wouldn't want a girl like Éowyn?

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