Chapter 2

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Evangeline settled on her bed, wondering if her mother was fussing over supper, and deep down knowing she was. Her poor mother; she never really had an opportunity to do such things, and Evangeline took into consideration that perhaps her mother could use some help.

She rose from her bed, and once again she faced herself in the mirror. This time, not to judge herself, but only to have a way to see so she could pin her dark curls up and away from her face. She made her way to the door, finally deciding to see if her mother needed her assistance, this resolution sounded much better than sitting in her room for the next little while.

Making her way to the kitchen, she passed by her father's study again. She lightly pressed her ear to the door, but she could hear nothing. Her father and the captain must have already left, she thought. Sure enough, as she passed through the parlor, there they were, sitting on the couch, conversing about nothing particularly important. As Evangeline passed by, the captain looked up at her, smiled, and gave her a little nod of his head. She looked away. Strangers made her nervous.

She hurried to the steps leading down to the kitchen; she skipped every other one in an attempt to get down faster.

"Mum?" she asked, poking her head into the little kitchen, "Can I help with anything?"

Her mother smiled sweetly at her and shook her head, her dark curls moving in rhythm.

"Thank you darling, but I have everything under control. Perhaps you should sit with your father, and keep our guest company."

She would have given anything not to keep their guest company; her father seemed to be doing very well on his own, but she didn't argue with her mother, she simply obeyed. She loved her mother too much to ever go against her word.

Reluctantly, she went back up the steps, one by one this time. Captain Sparrow seemed so different. Even though they had just met, she felt uncomfortable around him.

At the top of the stairs, she saw her father, sitting erect and rather proper. The captain, however, was slouched slightly, one leg over the over, arms spread out over the back of the couch. There was a visible distinction between the two of them, not only in appearance, but in the way that they held themselves.

"I wish I could say that business picked up after you left, Jack, but as you can see, that is not the case," her father said.

Jack nodded and Evangeline, in hopes of not disturbing the conversation, quietly seated herself next to her father. Jack's eyes remained glued to Mr. McKenna, genuinely interested in what he had to say. Her eyes on the other hand, were on the captain. Strong features, and piercing brown eyes; he was much more extraordinary than the men she grew up around. London boys were drab, humourless, and all looked the same; carbon copies of their rich fathers and demure mothers. It took a while for her to realize that Jack was talking to her, and it broke her concentration.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Are you alright?" he asked, slightly amused.

She brought her hand to her head and took a deep breath.

"I'm fine," she said, quietly.

"Geline, are you sick?" her father asked, worry showing on his aging face.

"I'm fine."

Her father looked at her quizzically, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm fine," she stressed.

She hoped, too. She seemed to be acting quite odd, she imagined, staring uncontrollably at complete strangers. Perhaps she was a bit sick.

"Well, Jack, do tell us. How is business for you?" her father asked, picking the conversation up.

"What can I say, a pirate's life is the best kind, mate. It's pure..." he stopped, and turned towards Evangeline, "freedom."

They looked at each other for a moment, with a connection, until her father spoke up, and Jack's eyes faltered. He seemed to enjoy making her uncomfortable.

He was a pirate then. She didn't know how to react. As a once-upon-a-time merchant, her father should be weary of pirates, and he should not want to be in the company of them. Yet, here was one now, sitting in their parlor, about to eat their food, making her act quite unlike herself.

She could hear her mother coming up the steps and the thanked the Lord, for she would no longer have to sit and be subjected to such things. Without a word, she removed herself from the couch and made her way to the dining table, and everyone followed her lead.

The rest of the night was a blur, she wasn't really paying attention to anything around her. She was in her own mind, oblivious to the communion around her. Evangeline often found herself daydreaming, and she was never truly present. She sat and ate. Nothing more and nothing less. The only time she entered back into the real world was when she reached out for her glass, and felt Jack's hand just as he had reached for his. They were sitting on opposite sides of each other across the small table, the chances of them touching one another were not quite that small. It startled her, but he seemed not to notice that anything had happened. It was only a brush of his hand, she didn't feel whether he had worn hands from his pirating business or whether they were still soft from being young. It was only a brush, yet it startled her from her daydreaming.

Even when she was done eating, she remained seated, shyly listening. She was grateful that no one talked to her, other than to ask her to pass this or that. She did, however, refrain from slipping into her own mind, and listened to Jack's stories. He had been all across the world, fought impossible adversaries, and Evangeline hung on to every word.

"I really should be goin'. If I want to reach the Isle of Wight in three weeks' time, I have to leave tonight," Jack said, running his hands along his chin. He had stood suddenly, stretching. "Thank you for dinner, luv, it was real nice."

Her mother seemed slightly taken aback by being called 'luv', but she shook his hand regardless. They all gathered around the front door, and her father patted him on the back.

"Be safe, lad, be good."

Jack smiled brilliantly, nodding his head. He held out his hand, and Geline accepted it. Her heart skipped a beat, his hand was rough, the hand of a pirate, of a sailor; they were strong, firm. He smiled.

"Nice to meet you, luv," he said. "You've all been accommodating, and I cannot thank you enough."

He gave a slight bow, and walked off into the night. Evangeline rushed to the window, and pushed back the curtains to see him. It was pitch black out on the London streets so she could not see which way he had gone, but she smiled slightly.

"Geline, come away from the window," her father ordered, and she obeyed.

"He was lovely," her mother said, sitting.

"He's a good lad, despite his recent decisions."

"What did you think of him dear?" her mother asked.

She thought about it, not quite knowing. It had been a fascinating ordeal.

"He was interesting," she said, and with that she kissed her mother goodnight, and made her way to her bedroom to sleep.

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