Chapter 22

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Evangeline woke up once again, but this time she found herself in a bed. Light streamed through the window, morning had finally graced them. She thought about sitting up, but then the events of the night before came flooding back and she was a complete wreck in a matter of seconds. She buried her face in the pillow and sobbed, reducing the cotton stuffed piece of cloth to a sopping wet mess. She heard a knock at the door and she waited for the person to leave, but they didn't.

"Geline, are you awake?" she heard Nathaniel ask through the door.

"Mhhmmph," she mumbled into her pillow.

He cracked the door open and peeked in, seeing Evangeline face down on the bed, softly crying. He walked in and shut the door behind him, sitting next to her on the bed, gently patting her back.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

Evangeline rolled over so that she was lying on her back. She wiped her eyes and looked at the doctor.

"Tired," she answered.

"I suppose we are all tired."

There was silence for a moment.

"Joshua says that the market and surrounding areas have been decimated, everything is in shambles. There's a list of missing people that is posted in the market square, there's at least two dozen names."

Evangeline thought about all the people she knew; were they alright? Were their homes untouched or were they steaming piles of rubble? Harriet, Selina, her boss; were they all safe?

"Jack is downstairs," Nathaniel said, standing up. "I think he's waiting for you."

"Will you tell him I will be down in a minute?" she asked.

Nathaniel nodded his head; a sad, distant look in his eyes. Last night she had refused his proposal and told him she was in love with Jack. A heavy blow, to be sure.

"You''re going to tell him, right? You're going to tell him how you feel?" he asked Evangeline.

"I don't think I can," she responded, turning away.

"He would be insane not to reciprocate your feelings."

Nathaniel made his way towards the door, hand ready to turn the knob when he stopped.

"Why him?" he asked, standing with his back to her.

"Why me?" she asked back.

He stood there a moment, not moving, taking in her question.

"Because," he sighed. "The heart does not ask you for your permission on whom it can choose for you to love. I am not its captain, it is mine, and I cannot change its course."

"I do believe you have just answered your own question," she whispered.

He lunged forward and opened the door, leaving without another word. Evangeline rolled her face back into her pillow which was still damp from her earlier lamentation. Life seemed to have her in a choke hold, crushing her windpipe, making it impossible for her to breathe a word of want; she was defenseless against its tools and devices.

She sat up, clad in only her nightgown, her boots resting up against the wall. She slipped them on, laced them up and made her way downstairs. As she stepped off the last step and turned the corner, she found herself in the room with many people on cots. Some were asleep, but a select few were being taken care of by Joshua and Nathaniel. The doctor was wrapping a young woman's arm when he saw Evangeline enter. He gave her a small smile and pointed to the corner of the room where Jack was leaning against the wall, arms folded across his chest, and looking rather uncomfortable.

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