Chapter 34

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Four days later, Evangeline found herself sitting next to Jack at his desk, both of them organizing the never ending supply of ledgers, letters, maps, logs, and other assorted papers. Jack had finally gotten sick of the mess and asked for Geline's assistance in making things look a bit tidier.

"Do you really need all of these letters and maps?" she asked.

"Not really, but I know as soon as I think there is no use for it and I burn it, a situation will arise in which the now burnt parchment will be needed. As for any letters from women whose names ya do not recognize, I will not need those. Just check with me before ya toss somethin' of value."

"So a woman takes time to write you a love letter and you read it once then toss it? How thoughtful."

"Not all of them letters are filled with words of love, darling. Some are death threats. Literally."

Evangeline chuckled in disbelief and looked over at Jack out of the corner of her eyes. He was not amused.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I've scorned my fair share of women."

"Yes, I know," she replied, rolling up a tattered map.

Evangeline's hand was not yet healed and Jack had changed the wrapping twice in the four days. When she had asked him why the doctor wasn't taking care of her, Jack simply replied, "I care about ya," and left it at that. After that moment, she had decided to push her feelings for him aside, no matter how difficult, and help him in his quest to bring Jeanne back. She owed it to him.

Interested, Geline reached for a letter from the pile and opened it, clearing her throat.

"Dear Captain Sparrow,

Although it pains me utterly to have you gone, I wish for you to know that the two evenings you spent with me in secret were nothing short of the most amazing nights of my life. I was never aware that one man could so please a woman in such a manner..." she read out loud, before folding the letter.

"Are all of the love letters like this one?" she snorted, tossing it back into the pile.

"No, each one is different. See for yourself."

Picking another at random, Evangeline unfolded it and began to read.

"Dear Jack..' Oh, this one skips the formalities," she joked and Jack cracked a smile.

"Dear Jack,

I've heard tale that The Royal Navy is searching for you. I hope you are keeping an eye out for them. Be safe. It's very apparent that we will never see each other again, as I am to be married in a months time, and knowing there is no other possible way to speak to you, I must speak my mind in the form of this letter. I must tell you, for if I do not it will stay with me always and it will trouble me always.

I love you. I may be marrying another man, but I love you.

Yours always, Emily."

Evangeline set the letter down and looked at Jack, wanting to see his expression. The girl's words relayed that she had been beyond heartbroken at the time and Geline could not help but know what Emily had felt.

"How am I supposed to react to those words? I can't bloody well say, "Well, I don't love ya, sorry," or "Aye, I love ya as well." Too many of the letters I receive are similar to the one you just read - confessions of love. But these girls, these women; they don't know me. They know nothin' about the parts of me that make me who I am. I may have kissed one of them or bedded one of them. But that's not love. Its lust, and they think they are in love with the first man who gives them positive attention."

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