Chapter 35

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The crew of the Black Pearl grew increasingly restless as the small, somewhat crescent shaped Isle of Eigg became larger in each spyglass. From the moment that Jack had announced that the island had been spotted, the crew seemed to be teeming with life and excitement. They all wanted a break from their duties and a little more time to party, for whatever reason. Along with the spotting of the island, came the spotting of another ship, a ship which was later identified as belonging to a certain Captain Turner. Jack was pleased with this information, Evangeline could see, it meant he could get right down to business with his old friend, whatever that business was.

The news of the sighting, however, had a different effect on Evangeline. It made her nervous; it signified the short amount of time until they reached the shores of Scotland. It signified the short amount of time she had left with Jack. Try as she might, she could not forget the impending doom that Scotland was bringing upon her life, she could not forget that on the shores of the country, Jack Sparrow's true love lay waiting.

"Why so quiet, luv?" Jack asked as he came up behind her.

"I'm only thinking," she replied in a whisper.

"What about?"

After a few seconds had gone by without Evangeline responding to his question, Jack nodded his head and let out a loud sigh, as if to say he understood that she didn't want to be interrupted.

"I shall leave ya to your thoughts, then."

She wished he hadn't. Her thoughts weren't ones she wanted to be thinking.
By the time they reached the shore of Eigg, the men had gathered every crate and bottle of rum onboard as well as some food they managed to lift, and other such things used for a celebration. They trudged across the white sand, to the lush grass, hollering and shouting at one another, already beginning to open bottles and lean their heads back for massive swigs. The island was wide and a few hundred yards from the shore line, a down of sumptuous greenery began. Sparkling sands were before that, and beyond; daring cliffs and the unknown. The entire island was surrounded by dark blue water and bold whitecaps, nothing like the waters of the Caribbean. The waters reminded Evangeline of home. The sky was riddled with clouds, but it did not threaten rain, only a bit of gloom, which was the Scottish way indeed.

Evangeline was helped down the rope ladder by Mr. Gibbs, who simply wouldn't take no for an answer when he asked her if he could be of assistance. She obliged, to say the least. She thanked him as she reached the bottom and surveyed the isle again. She found herself standing next to Jack who was looking off towards the cliffs where a group of people were emerging.

"Is that Captain Turner?" she asked.

"Aye. Reckon we ought to go say hello, make our introductions and whatnot."

Following Jack at a somewhat quick pace, Evangeline wondered what this woman captain would look like. She tried to make an image of the woman in her mind before she got any closer to see features. She pictured someone tall, dark haired, perhaps rugged from her adventures, and fights, and wars on the high seas. A dark, deep eyed individual who sought no mercy amongst friends and enemies. Suffice it to say, Evangeline was shocked when Captain Turner came into perfect view and she was none of the things she envisioned her to be. Elizabeth Turner was rather short and most certainly fair haired. She was also beautiful. Elizabeth smiled right away, not particularly at the other woman across from her, but at Jack.

"Jack," she said mischievously, a half smile gracing her suntanned face.

"Lizzie," Jack purred in return.

It was quiet for a moment, the two captains looking at one another, catching up without using any words, any gestures - only their eyes. Geline began to feel uncomfortable in the silence, and she could tell that the few men that had come with Captain Turner felt the same. There was a tension in the air, and it was mightily thick.

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