Chapter 45

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Nathaniel refused to loosen his hold on Geline, although he would pull back every so often to look her over, as if to be sure she was really there. She was equally as guilty, as she had fistfuls of his jacket and she clutched to him for dear life. The only constant, unwavering thing in her life was him, and she was not about to release him!

"You're here," he whispered. "How is it that you're here?"

"I needed to come home; I couldn't stay on that ship a moment longer."

Finally freeing her, Nathaniel took a few steps back and ran his hands across his face.

"You had stopped writing, I was beginning to worry that you were not safe."

"I hardly had the time most days. I'm sorry."

"And where is Sparrow?" he asked, peering down the street, expecting him to come swaying towards them at any moment.

Evangeline shook her head solemnly.

"He's gone. We are not..." she paused, unsure how to continue. "You will not be seeing him again."

A silence accompanied them for a moment before Nathaniel understood what was truly being said.

"He hurt you. That bastard hurt you in the end," he said, a dark look passing over his face.

"I would rather not speak about it."

Nodding his head, he held out his hand and she accepted, smiling so wildly it nearly hurt. And then he was being called from inside the house and they turned to see a woman standing in the doorway.

"I thought you were leaving," she said, raising an eyebrow at the sight of Evangeline. "But it seems we have company."

"Sarah darling, I'm sorry, this is Evangeline," he said taking the woman's hand and bringing her forward.

"Evangeline? The very same who ran off with pirates?" she inquired, her blue eyes sparkling with the promise of an adventurous tale.

"The very same," Nathaniel assured her.

The red-head smiled sweetly and put an arm around Geline, ushering her into the house.

"You look horribly exhausted! You must sit and rest! Nathaniel has told me all about you, every single detail down to your temperament and how you had run off with a handsome pirate that you were secretly in love with. God, he has read me your letter several times, and he would lie awake at nights sick with worry, but now you're here! I had truly hoped that you would be home in time for the wedding but I thought it would never happen! I cannot express how e-"

"Wedding?" Geline asked, pulling away from the woman's grasp as if she had just struck her.

"You haven't told her?" Sarah asked, folding her arms across her chest disapprovingly.

"I-I asked you to marry me after the original letters, and then I hadn't heard from her in quite a while. It never came up."

"You're to be married?"

"Yes, at the end of April," he stated. "I'm sorry I didn't write you about it."

Geline was not sure how to respond and neither was Nathaniel- they only stared at each other.

"I will let you two have a moment alone to talk. I ought to be at the market anyway," she whispered, kissing Nathaniel's cheek before leaving.

Exhausted from her rebellious decision to not sleep, Evangeline slumped into the chair and rested her head against the table.

"You're upset," Nathaniel stated, following suit and sitting as well.

"I'm only shocked, and slightly hurt that I wasn't notified. You are engaged to her. Who is she? Why didn't you think to write me about this? Did you not think this would affect me as well as you?"

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