Chapter 18

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The rain continued to pour for several days. Jack and Evangeline were forced to stay inside, much to Jack's dismay. He had become quite grumpy from being trapped inside for months, most of the time he sat with a bottle in hand as he scoured over his map.

"I wish I could read this blasted thing!" he growled.

"Well, at least you know you're looking at a map of Scotland, that's a start," Evangeline said.

Jack just huffed and took a swig of his rum. Evangeline smiled and set down the book she had been reading. Her father had gotten the job at the ship menders and she couldn't have been happier, aside from the fact that Jack would be leaving any day now. Tomorrow, even. She tried to stay away from these thoughts, they only depressed her, but every time she looked at him she was reminded of his departure. She knew it was a selfish thought, but she wished he wasn't fully healed, that way she might have a bit more time with him. He wasn't even limping anymore, and he told her there was no pain.

"If this rain doesn't stop it might flood this whole bloody town," Jack said.

Evangeline nodded in agreement. Jack suddenly stood up, a determined look on his face.

"What's wrong?" she asked, standing up as well.

"You know what, luv? I don't care if it's raining. I don't give a damn if there's a bloody tropical storm goin' on! I'm goin' outside, damn it!" he said, stumbling towards the door.

"Jack, you can't be serious!" Evangeline laughed.

Jack opened the door only to be welcomed with rain splattering in his face.

"I am serious, luv," he said as he quickly ran out into the street, instantly getting soaked.

Evangeline ran to the door and saw him standing there, rain drowning him, his shirt plastered to his body.

"C'mon out, Geline! The water is splendiferous!" he yelled above the deafening sound of large raindrops against the rooftops.

"Absolutely not!" she said.

He ran towards her, took her by the wrist and forced her out into the middle of the street where she was instantly soaked as well. She screeched as the water made her skirts cling to her legs and caused her hair to flatten.

"Jack!" she laughed, trying hard to be angry.

Jack just laughed and muttered something about women and their hair.

"I'm going to kill you!" she yelled, sloshing towards him.

"Really? What with?" he chuckled, backing up from her.

She ran at him, the water making the tale-tale splishy-splashy sound as she did. Jack continued to back up, laughing at her attempts to grab him. Suddenly her skirts became tangled and she fell to the ground.

"Ya alright?" Jack asked, reaching for her.

She held out her hand and forced Jack down with her. He stared at her in mock pain and they both laughed. They must have looked like complete fools, sitting soaking wet in the middle of a rain storm on the street.

"Sneaky!" Jack said as he helped her up.

Evangeline laughed and took his hand. "Come with me, I want to show you something," she said, clutching his hand in hers and dragging him along.

"Where are ya takin' me?" he called over the rain.

Evangeline was running through alleyways, Jack was trailing behind her and trying to keep up. It was a bit difficult, running, their clothes seemed five tons heavier as the rain weighed them down. After a few turns through the alleys and down a few stairs Jack found himself on grass. He continued to follow her up a hill, trying not to slip down it.

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