Chapter 28

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Tortuga was a menagerie of lively and, more often than not, drunk and slobbering sailors. Evangeline stuck closely to Jack's side, afraid of being carted off by men who watched her with crazy, cross-eyed looks. Tortuga buzzed with life and unconscious, snoring men who slept in the middle of the streets, and Jack loved it. Everyone knew who Jack was, some men hollered at him and waved, and Jack would remove his hat and nod in their general directions. Others threw bottles, cursing and hissing, spitting whatever God awful thing they were chewing. Jack expertly ducked and avoided the objects that were hurled at him. He'd done this all before.

The men were not really a problem for Evangeline, but the women scared her to death. They all stared at her, glaring, whispering, and looking her up and down in distaste. She wondered what was so wrong with her that made these women stare daggers. Some of them were very pretty; tall, slim, somewhat clean. But others, well others were downright disgusting, Evangeline had to admit. At one point, she witnessed a rather large woman and a skinny, toothless man kissing and groping each other in plain daylight for everyone to see. She blushed profusely and looked away. Not only were there sights that burned her corneas, but there were smells that made her double over and gasp for air.

Yes, Tortuga was a magical place indeed.

Jack strode down the streets, proud as a peacock to once again be the talk of the town. He smirked and ushered Evangeline into a tavern that Jack claimed was, "The single best place in Tortuga." The sign told her that the tavern was called The Faithful Bride. As Jack pulled her into the tavern, music and yelling filled her ears.

"Behold, the wonders of Tortuga!" Jack hollered at her.

"I can't hear myself think," she replied.

"Jack! Jack Sparrow!" Someone called out and Jack looked around for the voice's owner.

Suddenly, a woman came into view and Jack smirked as she rushed over to him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him fully on the mouth. Evangeline stared, horrified as the brunette woman kissed him vigorously, while Jack kissed her back, his hands snaking around her hips as he pulled her closer. Evangeline felt herself pale, and she clutched her chest as her heart crumbled inside her ribcage. She became deaf to the music and crude sounds of the tavern as she watched Jack hold the unknown woman. She felt faint and nauseous.

Jack broke the kiss and smirked again, and the woman threw her head back and laughed, her chocolate colored hair swishing back and forth.

"Lord, I've missed you, Jack," the woman said in a deep, raspy, seductive voice.

"Aye, same luv," Jack replied.

The woman realized that Evangeline was staring and she turned to her, looking her up and down, a hand on her hip.

"May we help you?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Evangeline looked at Jack and he suddenly realized she was there as well.

"Oh! Geline!" he said, taking her by the hand and pulling her closer.

"Yvette, this Evangeline," he said, nudging her.

"Oh, have you replaced me, Jack?" she asked, batting her long eyelashes.

"O' course not, luv!" he assured her, "Why would I ever replace ya? Yer the reason I dock on this island in the first place."

Yvette smiled wickedly and took a step closer to him.

"You know where to find me, Sparrow, stop by for a visit before you leave. The local men leave me...desperate for your skills," she whispered, throwing a glare at Evangeline before walking away.

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