Chapter 29

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"Everything accounted for, Gibbs?" Jack asked as they took inventory of the things that Gibbs had purchased in Tortuga.

"Aye, it's all here."

"Beautiful. Thanks, mate."

"Jack, why the hell do we have seventeen crates of rum but only three crates of oranges? Are ya daft?" Barbossa asked while holding up a bottle of rum.

Jack raised an eyebrow, his eyes wide as he feigned innocence.

"Erm, Gibbs did the shoppin', not me!" he replied, pointing to his first mate.

Evangeline smiled as Gibbs rolled his eyes. He always seemed to be blamed for things.

"Oh shut up, Jack," Barbossa grumbled as he opened the bottle and took a drink.

"Ya seem to be enjoying the rum, so don't act like you're angry, Hector. Besides, rum is infinitely more important than them oragnish circles. Ya will be thanking me for all that alcohol later on, believe me," Jack said, wiggling a finger at Barbossa like he was reprimanding a child.

Barbossa shook his head and stomped away, bottle of rum in hand.

"Are we ready to cast off, Jack?" Gibbs asked.

"Aye, I do believe so! But first, lock up that rum! I don't want any thievin' crew members comin' down here and thinkin' that it is just for the takin', savvy?"

"Aye, good idea," Gibbs said, wiping sweat from his brow.

"Of course it's a good idea! I thought of it!" Jack declared as he slapped Gibbs on the back.

Evangeline was sitting on a barrel below deck with Jack and Gibbs, waiting to be asked to help with something. It was an unbelievably hot day and every part of Evangeline was covered with sweat, even below deck without the sun's rays it was sweltering. Her sleeves were rolled up as far as possible, she had removed her vest, she had even pinned her hair so that is was off her neck, but it didn't seem to help anything.

"Jack, how can you possibly be wearing a jacket in this heat?" she asked, fanning herself.

He looked down at his attire and shrugged.

"Is it hot? I hadn't noticed."

Gibbs and Evangeline looked at each other in disbelief.

"What? Ya think it is hot today? Ya two have no bloody idea what heat is, this is a cool spring mornin' compared to some of the scorchers I've been through. Anyway, I'll make sure I toss ya in the drink before it gets too unbearable," he said with a smile.

Evangeline wished she had Jack's superhuman body temperature control, for she was seriously considering just jumping in the water without Jack's help.

"Alright then, we're off," Jack declared before making his way towards the deck.

"Lord help us, for today it's hot as hell," Gibbs muttered as Evangeline followed.

Upon climbing up the stairs to the deck, Evangeline felt direct heat from the sun and felt as if she might faint. She heard Jack calling out orders to the crew, but no one was bustling about. Everything was done slowly and everyone seemed to be in a haze. A few men were drenched in sweat, hiding in whatever shade they could find. Others were red faced and shirtless as they performed their duties.

Evangeline wished she could remove her shirt as well, for the material was sticking to her sweat covered skin and was becoming quite bothersome.

"I'm gonna die," Pintel moaned as he passed by Evangeline, Ragetti at his heels.

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