Chapter 24

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Evangeline led Jack; she held his pistol to his back as he walked. When they emerged from the jails, they were lost in a sea of His Majesty's Royal Navy. Jack kept an eye out and Evangeline kept her head down, which lead to her bumping into a large man.

"Oh, 'amen', sorry," she said in her best manly voice.

"Where are you taking Sparrow, sailor?" the man asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

"Um, Mr. Sparrow's hanging has been switched to tonight, sir. All the town folk want to see this blackguard hang for his misdeeds. He's a very popular...erm...outlaw, sir."

"What's your name, officer?"

"Oh, um, it's Le...Bennet, sir. Bennet," she said, clearing her throat.

"Alright, Bennet, why wasn't I informed of this switch in the plan?" the man asked, his arms folded over his chest.

She quickly looked to Jack who seemed to be formulating a plan B in his mind.

"Well, you see sir, I...perhaps if you ask Alexander..I mean"


"Mmhmm! Commodore Rawlings, I'm sure Rawlings will tell you," she said, becoming so nervous that she pushed the barrel of the gun deeper into Jack's back, causing him to yelp.

"We don't currently have a Rawlings stationed here, Mr. Bennet," the man said.

"Oh shit," she heard Jack mumble.

"Sparrow has escaped! Sparrow and the girl have escaped! Close the gates!" someone called out.

The man lunged for Jack who side stepped and averted being caught.

"Geline! The key!" he yelped.

They were coming towards her from all directions, pistols and swords pointed.

"Geline!" he yelled.

Her shaking hands rummaged deep in her pockets, trying to locate the key. Whose brilliant idea was it to actually lock the blasted things? She felt the small piece of metal and clutched it in her hand, racing towards Jack.

"Key?" he screeched, head butting an officer in the face.

She ran up behind him and stuck the key in the hole, but before she could turn it, she was grabbed from behind. She was pulled away, screaming.

"Let me go!"

She began kicking her legs until she heard the man groan and double over, his hand over his package. She ran towards Jack again, who was fighting three men with his hands behind his back.

"Bloody key, Geline!" he growled, she ran up and turned it, freeing one of his hands just as someone came toward him. He swung the fist still containing the irons and the metal swiped the man across the face.

"Hmm, handy!" Jack said, grabbing Evangeline and running behind a wall that was nearby.

"Pistol?" he asked, unlocking his other wrist.

She shook her head

"I dropped it."

He rolled his eyes, pushed her against the wall and grabbed hold of her jacket.

"What are you doing?" she yelled.

Jack ripped the jacket off and discarded it. He then wrapped his arms around her middle and loosened the belt she was wearing around her waist.

"I need this," he purred.

He grabbed his sword that he had belted to her body, unsheathed it, and ran around to the other side of the wall. Not two seconds later, he ran back to where she was.

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