Chapter 7

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Over the course of almost a week, a routine had come about. Jack would sleep well into the afternoon, Evangeline would wake him to change his dressings, and he would fall back asleep. He had thrown up on a few occasions after eating, but it didn't bother her a bit. She expected it. She was lucky to get four hours of sleep at night herself. But one night, Jack was unusually sick; his forehead was slick with sweat and hot to the touch. He was pale, moaning into the night; and when Evangeline, exhausted and lethargic, looked over his wound, her worst fear showed itself in the form of bright pink skin around the cut; infection.

At that point, she knew there was nothing more she could do for him on her own. He had warned her not to call for a doctor, but she knew of nothing else to do. He would surely die.

"Captain," she said, positive he could hear her. "I have to fetch for a doctor. You're too sick for me to handle any longer."

He opened his eyes a bit to see her, and he nodded. He knew his fate as well as she if a professional did not take care of him.

"I'll be quick," she said. "I promise."

She turned to leave as Jack mumbled something to her. She looked back but his eyes were closed again and he said nothing more.

Evangeline could hear the echo of her footsteps along the cobblestone street she ventured down. There was a chilly wind that crept along her arms and ruffled the shawl around her shoulders. She was close to the town's doctor, he was located just around the corner luckily, and she only prayed he would make a house call so late into the night.

Her knuckles rapped against the wooden door just below the words "Nathaniel Frazier: Apothecary" in bold black letters. She waited a few minutes, worry filling her mind. Then, the door opened before her and she was beckoned inside by an older man. He was slightly taller than herself with sideburns and a full ponytail.

The room in which she entered was brought to life by the fire dancing in the fireplace. It illuminated a table littered with books and papers, bottles with varying colored liquids. The doctor shut the door behind them and stepped into her view.

"What can I do for you miss?" he asked, offering her a seat by the fire.

"I'm in of need your services, sir. There is man who is badly wounded and has caught an infection. I'm afraid he might die if you don't help him," she said, sitting in the plush tan chair.

Docter Frazier picked up a book from the table and thumbed through it.

"Is his wound fresh?" he asked.

"No," she answered. "It is several days old. I should have called for you sooner; it was extremely foolish of me to think I could take care of it on my own."

He looked up her and nodded, and she felt her face burn with embarrassment.

"Well miss..." he started.


"Miss McKenna, let me gather my things and I shall take a look at the man. Hopefully he can be saved," he answered.

"Thank you."

He left the room, leaving her alone with her own stupidity. She should have ignored Jack and come here sooner, it was beginning to dawn on her that she might have just sealed the captain's fate. No. She couldn't think that way, this doctor had a good reputation around town, and he would not let a patient die if he could help it.

When the doctor again entered the room, he told Evangeline that he would follow her. Not ten minutes later, they entered her house through the little door leading into the kitchen, and made their way to Jack.

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