Chapter 38

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Boone continued to stare at Evangeline with a raw intensity that terrified her deeply; he was resolute about the fact that he would obtain Annie. If Evangeline had anything to do with the outcome of this long war between Jack Sparrow and Viktor Boone, the latter would never lay eyes on Annie again. The staring between them lingered until Boone finally gave in and blinked, with Geline following suit, and he cleared his throat to excuse himself for his odd behavior.

"I will get Annie. But I need that map and compass, and you are going to help me locate them. You may not be aware of where they are, but since you are merely a crew member, you have no ties to Sparrow or any predispositions to help him, now do you?"

"I won't help you," Evangeline murmured.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"I have no reason to. I may not have any purpose to be loyal to Sparrow, but the same can be said for you. I won't help you."

Smoothing his hair back, Boone took in a deep breath through his nostrils and was visibly shaking.

"You will help me. You will do what I command you to do."

"No. I will not," she again affirmed, terrified to be defying the man before her.

"Do you think this a game, miss McKenna? Do you think this a romp between two boys over a toy?" Boone asked calmly, again making his way towards Evangeline, hovering in her personal space.

"People have and will continue to die for what Sparrow and I race for, and you shall be among the ranks of the dead if you do not do everything I bid for you to do, do you understand this?"

Evangeline could feel the sharp bottle neck that she had hidden among the folds of her dress digging into her leg, and became aware of it. She did not move and it persisted to poke at her, begging to be used.

"That," Boone began as he stroked her face. "Or I can take you to Sparrow's bed and introduce you to an entirely new world of pain. Although, you might enjoy the latter, who knows? The choice is yours. I suggest you aid me, for if you don't, the consequences could be dire for you. I may just force myself upon you and then kill you, if I so wish it. This is all within my power, girl, do not push me."

Boone leaned in, perhaps to kiss her or whisper something frightening in her ear, but Evangeline did not find out what his motives were because she firmly grasped the bottle neck shard and swiped it at Boone viciously, her heart racing the entire time.
Stumbling backwards, Boone brought his fingers up to his cheek to feel the gash that Geline had made; it was not deep, it was merely superficial, but blood trickled down his jowl and onto his collar. Glaring at Evangeline with tumultuous eyes, Boone cocked his arm back and quickly struck her full force across the face, sending her flying off the chair, which teetered, and fell onto the floor. The glass, her only weapon, fell from her hand and slid across the cabin. She lay in that position for a moment in a state of shock; the side of her face stung and tears clouded her vision.

"You impudent rat!" Boone growled, taking her by the arm and pulling her to her feet rather indelicately.

Standing before him, she could properly see the wound she had inflicted upon him - bright red and jagged. He held her by both wrists lest she dare strike him a second time and nothing needed to be said for her to see his rage; she knew her little outburst had been a mistake, she witnessed it in his eyes. The side of her face that had been hit still stung and she could feel it start to swell.

"Stanley!" he called out, his fire filled eyes never leaving her.

The door creaked open and Stanley came forward at attention, ready to serve Boone.

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