Chapter 44

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Evangeline was unable to sleep that night, she replayed the painful argument over and over in her mind, and she could still hear the sharp sound of Jack being slapped by her hand. She utterly loathed herself at that moment, how could she have done anything to hurt him? What on earth had come over her? The Pearl lurched against the waves and she sat up from her makeshift bed, wrapping her arms around her legs and resting her head on her knees.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to hold back tears as she told herself not to cry. Be strong, she told herself. You've come to the conclusion that you need to leave, be strong. After she had slapped him, Jack had told her that he would not see her off in the morning and those words had killed Evangeline. But perhaps it was better this way, what had just transpired had been difficult enough and having to say farewell in the morning would make her question whether she should be leaving.

Her lips were still alive and blazing with the memory of his kiss, even hours after. But she tried not to think about that, she was leaving in the morning and everything else compared to that was a trifle. She lay back down and forced her eyes closed, pushing thoughts of Jack far away and she eventually fell asleep.

Morning came and it terrified Geline as she looked around the deck of the place she had called home for the past however long it had been. Black sails fluttered above her, and she shielded her eyes against the sun to see them. Choice crew members were saying their goodbyes to one another; shaking hands, and on occasion- hugging. Letting her hands slide against the grain of The Pearl, Evangeline listened and nodded to those who spoke to her, merely going through the motions.

She continued to hope, deep down inside, that Jack would make an appearance. She looked over to his cabin door every so often but she hadn't seen him since the night before. What had she expected? Her melancholy was interrupted when she was tapped on the back. She turned to see her dearest friends and brothers clumped together behind her, each of them grinning slightly save for Barbossa who seemed to think saying goodbye was pointless. Pintel, Gibbs, Ragetti, and Barbossa were instantly wrapped in Evangeline's arms, for she had resolved to hug them all and never let go. They chuckled and she did indeed let go, slightly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "Only, I wish I didn't have to leave you all, you've been so kind to me and I won't forget any of you."

"Must ye go?" Pintel asked.

"Yes, I can't stay here forever."

"Ya could if Jack didn't have his head so far up his arse," Barbossa interjected and the rest of the men agreed.

"He told me last night he wanted me to stay, but I simply can't."

"'Tis understandable, miss," Gibbs said. "I asked Jack if he would like to see ya off but he ignored me."

Evangeline lowered her head and sighed.

"Let's not talk about him, please, I only wish to say goodbye to you all."

Pintel and Ragetti were the first to hug her, kiss her cheeks, and say what they needed to- wishing her a safe journey and to write them if it was at all possible. Barbossa merely shook her hand and nodded, knowing not much needed to be talked about between them and he walked away soon after. Gibbs went last and held the hug a bit longer than the rest of them had.

"It will most likely be best ta put all thoughts of our captain out of yer head, ya don't need the torment any longer," he said as he released her.

"I'll try, Mr. Gibbs," Geline assured him and she saw Elizabeth leave Jack's cabin and make her way towards them.

What had they been discussing? It was apparent that the lady captain had not been successful in getting Jack to emerge from his cabin, but this realization was not surprising. Elizabeth stood next to her, and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

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