Chapter 13

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Wednesday night was fading fast as Evangeline prepared the room. Her thoughts were on her father, who had come home after his tirade, claiming that he had been searching for a job. She felt so proud and relived that her father was cleaning himself up; she had not seen him take one sip since the previous day. Yet, she hoped he did not do it behind closed doors.

Evangeline lit one more candle to make the room a bit brighter; the area filled with firelight and a bit of steam from the large basin containing hot water. She then laid the folded towels on the small dresser. She nodded with satisfaction and returned to her room to fetch Jack. He was sitting on the edge of the bed; he had managed to get his legs on the ground all on his own.

"You're progressing well," she said with a chuckle.

"'Twas a bit of a struggle, I've been lying in bed for several weeks, I'm not used to movin' around too much. Are you ready?"

She nodded and held her hand out towards him; he took it, with his opposite hand, his rough skin against her smooth skin. His other hand was placed on her shoulder for balance as he lifted himself up, shifting some of his weight onto Evangeline.

"Y'alright, luv?" he asked.

"I'm fine."

She helped him as he walked down the hall to the little extra room; each time he took a step, the muscles in his stomach would contract, causing him to wince in pain. They entered the room, still filled with candlelight, as she helped him to a chair where he could rest. He lowered himself down, with a sigh of relief.

"You're amazing, Geline," he said, calling her by her nickname, something he had recently started.

She smiled shyly, moving a strand of hair from her face; she handed him a towel and he nodded his head in thanks.

"Do you want me to leave the room, so you can undress?" she asked, awkwardly. Though, she couldn't imagine why he would want her to stay and watch.

"Oh, no, ya can just turn around and avert your eyes," he chuckled as he removed his shirt, hanging it on the knob of the chair backing.

She turned to face the wall, shifting uncomfortably. She felt as if she couldn't breathe, and she swore the temperature in the room had just gone up a couple thousand degrees. The thought of him undressing right behind her scared her, making her heart race. All Evangeline wanted was to leave the room, but she knew Jack required her help: she was at a standstill of emotion.

She thought about this feeling, she didn't feel this way when she was with Nathaniel. She didn't feel anything of the sort, so why did she feel this way around Jack? More shy than she already was, flustered, nervous, and wonderous. Nathaniel and her were friends, yet so were her and Jack, so how could she have different feelings with them?

Jack cleared his throat with an "amen" to get her attention and she slowly turned around, and to her surprise, she saw him standing. He had one hand against the wall for support, the other was holding a towel around his waist.

She had stopped breathing altogether; she had to tell herself to take in air. The candlelight reflected against his bare chest, she could see his wound; slightly open still, the rest beginning to scar. She saw tattoos along his arms, some of them blurred from the half dark room. One thing she could see from where she was standing were his brown eyes, reflecting the light as well. She simply had to admit- he was beautiful.

"Is something wrong?" he asked, struggling to keep himself up.

"," she assured him, running to his side to help him over to the still steaming basin. His put his arm around her shoulders as he limped a bit.

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