Chapter 16

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Evangeline pinned the last few remaining black curls up out of her face so that they cascaded down her neck and back. She looked at herself, hardly satisfied. She pinched her cheeks to bring color to them and then all that was left was to add rouge to her lips. She applied a small amount from the old stick her mother used to use.

Terrified. Absolutely. She found herself dreading this whole evening, but at the same time she had never been more excited. She had all but lost her social graces years ago and her ability to be shy during any situation would surly present itself tonight, yet she knew somewhere deep down in the recesses of her soul she could conjure up the might to be presentable. There was a soft knock on her door and she gave permission to enter out loud. Jack's face appeared through the open crack in the door, a bottle in his hand and a smile on his face.

"Well, let's see ya!" he said, sauntering into the room with a slight limp.

Evangeline stood up, and smoothed her skirts out, not meeting Jack's eyes; embarrassment creeping onto her cheeks.

"God, ya look lovely," he said, leaning up against the wall.

"Are you really being sincere?"

"Aye. He'll be lost for words."

"Perhaps that's best because I've no idea what to say," she said as she began to pace.

"Well, if ya just want to go through the motions tonight, not really giving a shit, you can interject a few laughs here and there, comment on something you see and smile a lot. Or, you could just be yourself, and talk to the man. Simple as that," Jack stated.

She put her hands over her face and groaned in despair.

"Ugh! This was an awful idea! Can I not cancel or feign an illness or something?"

A loud knock resounded through the house; Evangeline and Jack looked at each other.

"Well, too late for a cancellation, luv," Jack chuckled before taking a swig of his rum.

"Mother Mary," Evangeline muttered under her breath.

"C'mon!" Jack said sternly, taking her arm and leading her to the door.

He propped himself up against the wall behind her when they reached the front door so he could have a front row seat to the event. Evangeline took a deep breath and opened the door for Nathaniel, whose hand was halfway to the door in preparation for another knock. His hair was slicked back in his regular, low to the neck ponytail. He was wearing cream colored dress attire, very formal and very ruffled. Behind him stood a horse and a modest carriage: their transportation.

"Hello," she said.

"Oh! Miss McKenna! Heh, hello."

There was silence for a moment and it took all Jack had not to say something witty in the quiet.

"You look...stuzzling. I mean stunning. Dazzling. You..." he sputtered out.

"Ya look beautiful luv!" Jack remarked, helping the poor guy out.

"Yes. You look beautiful," the doctor replied calmly.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Well, um, shall we...?" Nathaniel asked, gesturing to the horse.

Evangeline nodded and turned to Jack quickly.

"You'll be fine," he mouthed, shooing her with his hands.

Nathaniel helped her into the carriage and then got in himself.

"Who's the driver?" she asked, taking in the green clothed interior of the carriage.

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