Chapter 17

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The only thing she could feel was Nathaniel's lips on hers. She didn't understand. Wasn't she was supposed to feel a fluttering in her stomach? Shouldn't her heart be racing and her body be surging with life? Wasn't she supposed to feel the way she did when Jack had kissed her?

Nathaniel pulled away from her slowly, a smile on his lips. Evangeline did not quite know how to react, she had pictured this moment differently. The doctor cleared his throat and stepped away from her.

"Thank you for accompanying me this evening," he said.

"Oh, um, you're welcome. I had a lovely time."

He took her hand in his, placing a kiss in the space between her knuckles.

"Goodnight, Evangeline."

"Goodnight, Nathaniel."

Evangeline rested her head against the door once she was inside. She was confused, to say the least. She liked Nathaniel, she really did. She had had a great time with him; he was funny, and sweet, and even tempered. He was handsome. But, that's where it ended. There were no romantic feelings involved on her side whatsoever. He was just a friend.

She sighed and made her way to the washroom where her bed was. She was exhausted, both mentally and physically. As she passed her room, the door opened and Jack appeared; heavy eyed and shirtless. He had been sleeping.

"How was it?" he asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.

"Fun," she replied.

He stared at her for a moment, waiting.

"That's it? It was fun?" he yawned, "Anything...interesting happen?"

She subconsciously found a curl and began to wrap her finger around it.

"We kissed."

He smiled and suddenly seemed wide awake.


"It was nice."

Jack chuckled and opened the door wider.

"Come into me office, luv," he said, gesturing with his head for her to enter.

She obeyed and sat in her chair as he limped over to the bed.

"Alright, tell ol' Jack what happened," he demanded.

"There's not much to tell. We danced, watched Shakespeare, and some fireworks. He brought me home and we kissed," she replied.

"I told ya he fancies ya," he said.

"Yes, well, I'm pretty sure I don't feel the same," she whispered.

"Oh? Why would that be?" Jack asked.


She felt trapped. How was she supposed to explain this to Jack without telling him how she felt when he kissed her as opposed to when Nathaniel had kissed her?

"I simply don't feel that way about him," she said after a minute.

Jack sat for a minute with his index finger resting in his chin; thinking.

"Ya didn't feel anything, eh, extraordinary in that kiss, did ya?"

She shook her head, her curls bouncing.

"Hmm. So he likes her but she doesn't like him," he muttered to himself, holding his hands out, weighing the options.

"I am fond of him. We're friends. There's just nothing romantic between us."

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