Chapter 21

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"No!" she cried running for her home, her screams straining against her vocal cords. "No!"

Jack caught her in his arms and tried her calm her.

"No! You bastard! You left him!" she cried, trying to escape his tight grip.

"Shh. It's alright," he whispered into her ear.

"No! No!"

She turned and hit him over and over with her fists against his chest, yelling obscenities at him. He let her, he simply held her as she fought him.

"You bloody coward! You just left him! I hate you! Let me go! Let me go!" she screeched turning back toward the house. "No! Father! No!"

Jack kept his grip on her as she fell to the ground in a puddle, sobbing and screaming.

"I'm so sorry, luv," he whispered as he watched her house burn.

She again tried to run from him, but he only held on.

"Please let me go," she sobbed.

"It's too late, luv. It's too late."

The house fell into a pile of burning rubble, sending Evangeline into another round of hysterics. Jack picked her up, his arms underneath her knees, and moved further into the maze of alleyways, trying to hide. Evangeline sobbed into his chest as he got lost, unsure of where to go. He set her down on the ground, cupping her face in his hands.

"Luv, I need to know where to go," he said, rain running down his face.

She turned away from him, angry and hurt.

"Geline," he said sternly.

She turned back, tears falling down her face, mixing with the rain.

"Where do we go?"

"Nathaniel's, if it hasn't burnt, and if he isn't dead," she whispered bitterly.

"Take us there, please," he said, trying to pick her back up.

She slapped his hand away and stood up on her own, leading the way. She silently wept as she saw her father's face in her mind. Everywhere she looked, there was chaos and fire. People screaming and crying, calling out for loved ones. The rain poured down mercilessly, mixing in with the horrifying sounds around them. Jack took in the sight for a moment.

"This is all my fault," he whispered.

They continued en route when Evangeline was suddenly pulled back into Jack's arms and pushed into the shadows as a few of Boone's men came down the alleyway.

"We have to find him! Boone said a whole pound to the person that does!" one said, laughing.

Evangeline and Jack were pressed together in the shadows, her heart beating so quickly she thought she might faint. She felt his heart against her as well and matched hers in intensity, both of them scared.

"Jack," she whispered. "They'll find us and kill us."

"Shh," he growled, waiting for the men to pass.

Once they were gone, Jack and Evangeline began to run towards Nathaniel's house, which, luckily, was not in the middle of town like everything Boone's crew was attacking. They reached his front door and Evangeline knocked loudly, calling out his name. The door opened slightly and Nathaniel peeked out and upon seeing her, he threw the door open.

"Geline, thank God!" he cried, pulling her into his arms.

"Can we stay here?" she asked.

"We?" Nathaniel asked.

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