Chapter 26

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The next couple of days were a bit of a blur for Evangeline. She had been given a new set of clothes so that she could, respectfully, shed the guard's outfit. She now wore a man's white, square-cut shirt, a black vest, a pair of tan breeches that had to be cinched at her wait with a belt, and boots. The fact that she was wearing men's clothing didn't bother her one bit, they were actually quite liberating. She had been introduced to the crew; a few men were outraged that there was a woman aboard. Others, like her new friends Ragetti and Pintel, were glad to have her.

Ragetti had a wooden eye, he was tall and loved to talk Geline's ear off. Pintel was short like Gibbs, and had very little hair on top of his head; he seemed to be the leader because he spoke over Ragetti most of the time. They were constantly attending to Evangeline, asking her if she needed anything, and if she was feeling alright. She always told the pirates she was just fine.

But some days she lied. Some days Evangeline felt so utterly alone, unable to contain her grief over her father's death. But she never showed it; she reserved a time for outward mourning, at night when no one was around to watch her breakdown. Jack was mostly busy looking at maps, recording data into his log; she ached for his company but never bothered him.

Evangeline leaned against the rail one night, the moon was hiding behind clouds, and the only light was from the lamps. She peered into the vast darkness that was the sea, and wandered what manner of creatures were below her: fish, sharks, whales, sea monsters, mermaids? She wondered if they were looking up at her, and if they were, what were they thinking? The sea was a bit more choppy than usual, she noted.

"What are ya doin' up so late, luv?" Jack asked, suddenly by her side.

She turned and felt her face brighten considerably.

"Nothing important," she replied.

"Gazin' at the water, eh?"

She nodded her head and Jack turned so that his back was against the railing, taking a sip of rum.

"We're advancing to Tortuga. Should be there in a few days," he mumbled. "I've been noticing that those two gents have taken a likin' to ya."

"Two gents?"

"Aye, the fat one and the one with the...eye," he said, putting a hand over his own eye.

"Oh, Regetti and Pintel! I suppose, they have been very kind to me."

"How are ya doing, Geline?" he asked, changing the subject. "With yer father, and the fact that I ceremoniously dragged you from your home."

Evangeline sighed, and turned as Jack had.

"Some days...I'm unsure of what to do with myself, and my home is gone," she answered.

Jack took a heavy swig of rum and nodded his head.

"'Tis a good thing I came back for ya that night, you'd be dead, no doubt."

"Why did you come back, Jack?" she asked quietly, fearing the answer.

"Well I couldn't bloody well leave ya, could I? I admit, I wasn't plannin' on it until I really thought about how awful I would feel if I did leave ya. It was my conscience speakin' really, didn't know I had one 'til the other day."

Evangeline smiled at her captain, he was an odd one. She looked up to the sky and again noticed the absence of the moon. The clouds were thick and dark, and she thought she spotted lighting.

"Looks like a storm," Jack commented, looking up as well.

As if on cue, they felt a few raindrops plop onto their heads. Jack turned to Evangeline and smiled.

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