Chapter 31

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Over the course of the next week and a half, Jack had given Evangeline a bit of a break from the sword fighting to allow her sore muscles to rest and bruises to heal. They did practice every other night followed by a quick duel between them which always ended in Jack's favor. Evangeline was becoming frustrated with these duels, she was sick of using a wooden stake instead of a sword; she wanted to win for once. When she had gone to Jack, and asked about using swords, he told her she could use one when she beat him in a fight.

Jack was also spending an awful lot of time with Gibbs and Barbossa. Secret meetings and hushed conversations that Evangeline was not allowed to hear. She wondered why she had been chosen to keep the secret of the map's hiding place, but she was kept sheltered from these powwows. It didn't bother her too much; it only made her wonder what was going on.

At the end of the week, they had crossed paths with a merchant vessel whose captain seemed to be acquainted with Jack. When she asked Barbossa what was going on, he told her that this particular merchant ship was also a post carrier, and when they didn't get their letters in Tortuga, they could always count on the crew of the Little Lottie.

Jack had received a large bag from the ship and began handing out letters to his crew, it was beginning to turn a tad chilly as summer was fading and fall was approaching. The sky was a dull grey, and the air was humid and wet, threatening rain.

"Weston. Looks like yer mum wrote ya. How sweet," he said, teasingly as he handed it over.

"Joe, one for ya, and one for Pintel...ya got a lass writing to ya Pintel? Let's see...oh. These are all fer me...the women love to put a quill to paper and write me love letters...hmmm. Oh! This one is for ya, Geline," he said, tossing the envelope to her.

When she read the envelope and saw Nathaniel's name scribbled across it, she rushed below deck to her sleeping area and tore it open at the seal, hungry for a word from her dear friend.

My Dearest and most Lovely Evangeline,

I thought you to be dead before I received this letter. I searched for you for days, asking everyone I came in contact with if they had seen a beautiful woman in the company of a rather oddly dressed man. After a few days, I feared you were dead, somewhere at the bottom of the ocean for all I knew. Imagine my unbelievable relief when I was delivered this letter.

Geline, I am so utterly happy that you are safe. When I learned that you were arrested, I was furious, and I had all but made up my mind to complain to Alexander and the Naval Officers stationed here, but I knew it would have done no good. The nerve of them for putting you in shackles and keeping you in a cell like a criminal.

I miss you more than you could possibly imagine, Evangeline. Although I am glad you feel as if you belong at sea, I wish I was there with you. I do hope that the men aboard this ship have been treating you as nothing less than a lady, if I heard that they had tried to compromise your honor, I would have to board a ship myself and come to challenge them.

I am well, since receiving your letter I have been at peace, mostly. My practice is doing well, and Joshua is gaining knowledge every day. I find myself busy most of the time with hardly a moment to think, but I prefer it this way. I do not want you to worry about me, Evangeline, I am fine. I understand your motives and your reasoning for being where you are. I understand everything.

It is I who has been selfish, for I couldn't see that your heart belonged to someone else and I tried to cage you by marrying you. My feelings for you blinded me from your feelings. Please forgive me for being so ignorant towards your wants and needs. Jack Sparrow is a good man; he saved you in ways that I could not, but he would have to be certifiably insane not to realize how special you are. If all you are to him is a mate, then something very tragic must have befallen him at a younger age, for there is no possible reason a man could look upon you and not instantly want to claim you for his own.

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