Chapter 2

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"Troy stop it, you know Su is already woke" i said, as he grabbed my waist, kissing me from behind

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"Troy stop it, you know Su is already woke" i said, as he grabbed my waist, kissing me from behind.

"She'll be aight, the door locked"

I chuckled, "And we have to get ready to leave or we're gonna miss the flight, you need to stop" I said as he backed me into the bed. "You playing to much" i said laughing.

"Ain't nobody playing girl" he said, bending me over onto the bed. I put my hand between me and him, trying to push him away but he smacked my hand down.

"T... you know Su gonna come up here" i said as he pulled my panties to the side.

"She watching Doc Mcstuffins, the episode 30 minutes, she been watching it for 20 so, we got 10 minutes" he said, as i put my hand back between us. "Now move" he said smacking it away again, and pushing my back down onto the bed.

I bit down on my lip as he slowly slid in, sending a funny feeling through my body. As he continued to stroke me, it became difficult to muffle my moans, so i let out a semi loud moan. "Be quiet Chy" he said, laughing, he always thought shit like this was funny, well it's Troy we talking bout, he thought everything was funny.

It was weird because when we first started talking, I was like he's cool, and, but i din't see us going anywhere since he played so damn much. I just couldn't imagine, trynna be sexy around him, or him just being serious. Although Troy is always gonna be Troy, now that our relationship is a bit more serious, he does have his serious moments. "shit" i moaned as he dug into me from behind.

He pushed me down further into the bed, and continued to stoke me, not caring about how my poor lil legs felt at this point. "You a punk, your legs buckling and shit" he said laughing.

"My feet barely touching the floor" i said, in between breaths.

"You'll be aight?" he said, smacking my ass. As he pumped in and out of me, i began to feel the very familiar feeling shoot through my body, letting me know i was on the verge of cumming. That was another thing, no matter how much stamina i had built up, Troy always had me cummig in less than 10 minutes every time.

"Daddy..... Doc mcstuffins went off" we heard Su say from behind the door, followed by a knock.

I slightly chuckled, "Told you"

"Shut up" he whispered, laughing, and pushing me back down onto the bed. "Aight get your bags and put them by the door, so we can get ready to leave soon, Okay" he yelled back to her, while still stroking me. I began to feel my legs shake, and a involuntary moan slipped from my mouth, causing T to put his hand over my mouth. He kept his hand over my mouth, until we heard her little footsteps run off. "Yo ole loud ass" he bent down whispering in my ear, which only turned me on more.

By now i was standing on my tippy toes, completely unable to keep my balance, due to the lack of stability in my legs right now. i squeezed my eyes together as tight as possible as i felt him breathing heavily on my neck. I could always tell when he was reaching his nut, cause this was the only time he shut the hell up.

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