Chapter 40

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It was about 2:45 am and I laid in the bed cuddling Kai, while she slept

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It was about 2:45 am and I laid in the bed cuddling Kai, while she slept. There was just too much on my mind, between my mother showing up here and the argument with G. Clearly things went farther than they should've, but i feel like G should understand why I don't want anything to do with my mother. I mean, was I supposed to give a fuck that she was sick?

I grabbed my phone, looking to see if there were any texts from G since it was almost 3 in the morning and he still hadn't come home yet. Normally I wouldn't care, it just was the circumstances that he left on. Gionni never does shit like that, like literally walk out during an argument, not to the next room but actually leave the house for hours.

I went to my text messages, attempting to text him but before I sent it, I changed my mind and sent a text to the group message seeing if Chy and Ash were awake. After about a minute, my phone lit up showing me that Chy had replied to the message, saying she was up and couldn't sleep. So me and her just texted back and forth, to kill time.

Another hour went pass and Chy had fell asleep on me, so I decided I'd just go to sleep as well. I reached over putting my phone on the charger, and then getting back comfy in the bed. I closed my eyes, hoping to erase all the annoying ass thoughts that were going through my head. Laying there I heard the alarm go off letting me know someone was coming in the front door. I heard Gionni's keys hit the table and then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I'm not gonna lie I was pissed that he was coming in here at 4 o'clock in the morning.

I watched him walk into the room, not even realizing i was awake. He pulled his shirt over his head, before cutting his eyes over at me, as I watched him. "You up" he said, more as a statement than a question. I didn't say anything just, continued to look at him. He shook his head, seeing I had an attitude.

I tried my hardest not to say anything, cause I truly didn't feel like arguing tonight. But I couldn't bite my tongue "Gionni, what time is it?" I asked.

"Oh you can talk now?" he said, stepping out of his pants.

I rolled my eyes, "Answer my question"

"I know what time it is" he said, shrugging his shoulders.

I smirked and nodded my head, "okay" I said, pulling the covers over my shoulder, laying back down in the bed. He wanted to act like it was nothing wrong with him coming in at 4 am, then I was done with this conversation.

"You need to stop with this nasty ass attitude, I'm not dealing with that shit" he semi yelled, waking Kai a little.

"You need to lower your voice, before you wake my baby up" I felt the bed, dip letting me know he was on it. He reached over, grabbing Kai, laying her head on his shoulder. "She was fine where she was" I rolled my eyes.

He ignored me, walking her out the room as I got up going into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, locking it I really didn't feel like this shit tonight. I felt some type that even with all the shit that happened with my moms today, G would still wanna come in here and argue with me. This whole situation with my moms had me sensitive as hell, as if I was a little kid again, i really didn't know how to feel when I sat down and really thought about it. I felt a tear roll down my face, as I sat on the side of the tub. I quickly wiped it, not wanting my little break down to get out of control right now. After sitting there, in my thoughts for about 5 minutes getting myself together, I walked back into the room, seeing G rolling a blunt. I rolled my eyes at him, as I walked into the closet, grabbing my robe so i could go downstairs for something to drink, preferably wine at 4:30 in the morning.

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