Chapter 21

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I stood in the kitchen, sipping my hot cup of tea

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I stood in the kitchen, sipping my hot cup of tea. It was about 7 in the morning so I was the only one awake, who knows why. I walked over grabbing the remote, for the TV in the kitchen, turning the TV on. 

This was our last day at Disney, we were leaving tomorrow morning, finally. I swear this felt like the longest week ever, not that it wasn't fun, but damn. Then petty ass G, invited Izzy here, and he keeps pressing me, I was playing it cool, since he didn't do anything to me. It was just awkward being around him, acting like what happened never happened. I caught myself laughing at his dumb ass jokes multiple times, I knew not to make it obvious that I thought he was funny, cause G and them would blow it out of proportion so bad. 

"Whatchu doing up" Izzy walked in catching me off guard.

"Um, wanted some tea" I said, still looking at the TV screen. 

"You really drink tea every morning huh?" he asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders, "I try to" 

"What does it help?" 

"Nothing really, it just makes me feel ready for the day" I said. 

"Weird" he said laughing. "So you gonna let me take you to lunch today or nah?" 

"Lunch?" I questioned. "For what" 

"To eat" he said sarcastically. "Nah, I just wanna holla at you about something" 

I cut my eyes at him, wondering what exactly he wanted to talk about. Lani had already gotten my things from him a few days before we left for the trip, so what else do we need to discuss. "I'm not sure what we need to talk about but.. what time?" 

"12" he said, grabbing a water from the fridge. 

I nodded my head, getting up, "See you later I guess" I said, before walking off into my room. I climbed back into the bed, curling up under the blanket, as my mind began to wonder about how this conversation was about to go. Was I mentally prepared for it?  

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, unlocking it, and tapping on my Instagram app... 

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