Chapter 3

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"JORDAN... LETS GO" i heard one of the guards yell from outside of the door. I walked over, putting my wrists through the hole in the door, so they could put the cuffs on me. Once the cuffs were on, the door slid open, and i walked out, with one of the female guards walking next to me.

Over the last couple months, I'd been getting the female guards on my team, which wasn't hard since they all knew who I was. The one i was walking with now, was Tiana, she was the one i got to bring me a phone. She only gave it to me at night and then took it in the morning before she left, and she did it all because of who i was.

Don't get me wrong jail is jail, but i definitely had special privileges since i was considered a celebrity. The only time i had to interact with the rest of the inmates was in the yard and when it was time to eat. Both of those times were a fucking headache, between niggas trynna rap their non existent mixtape everyday, or niggas just being ohdee joe. I didn't have a celly, and i was able to shower alone, that didn't stop the freaky ass female guards from coming in watching me and shit. The crazy part was, as horny as I was in here, i had no desire to fuck any of them honestly. Since iv'e been here there'd be multiple chances to fuck a guard since the night shift was cover by mostly females on my block. They always tried it, but i wasn't really with it, some of them got mad but what could they really do, tell on me ?

I swear if i heard one more whack ass freestyle, i was gonna snap the fuck out. Niggas were rapping to me as if i had my own label, i think they failed to realized that even if they were fire I, myself couldn't sign them. "Aye East, wassgood boy" one of the niggas said, as i walked pass.

I didn't even know these niggas, i thought having fans outside of jail was a lot but having them in jail are even worst. I nodded my head and kept it moving, ignoring a lot of other shout outs that were being thrown at me as i walked pass. Finally reaching the door, another guard came from behind the booth, with the shackles for my ankles, which i thought were unnecessary as hell. "I ain't going nowhere" i said, scrunching my face.

"You do this every time Jordan, turn around" she said. I slowly spun around, as i felt her rubbing places that weren't any where near my ankles.

I slightly chuckled, "And you do this every time" i said, stepping up away from her a little. I looked over seeing Tiana, grilling the other guard who was, what she called patting me down.

"You know I can't help it, I always seen you on Tv, and imagined what i would do if I got my hands on you" she said, making me cringe. "Just never expected it to be in here"

"Can we just get this over with" i said, ready to just get outta here and get to court.

"Let go" Tiana said, pulling me in the other direction.

"You know damn well i can't walk that fast with this shit on my ankles" I said, irritated. She ignored me as we walked out to the van, and she opened the door, letting me in. "I'm the only one who got court today ?" i asked, noticing no one else was in the van.

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