Chapter 11

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It had been about three weeks since the incident at the photoshoot, and about a week since I been staying with Lani and G

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It had been about three weeks since the incident at the photoshoot, and about a week since I been staying with Lani and G. I definitely felt better over here with them and the kids, it gave me some sense of security. Some nights i would, go get Lay or Kai, just to lay with me, which always made me feel better. No one knew about what happened except Lani, and pretty much wanted to keep it that way. 

Not that I was a bother being here, but of course G would begin to wonder why I was staying with them, when I had my own apartment, a few blocks away. So we told him that the owners were doing some type of emergency renovations, because of a pipe leak. I didn't really want everyone knowing about the situation, for many reasons, but i definitely didn't want G to know, since i knew he'd be trying to take it into his own hands. At this point I just wanted the whole situation to go away, and I really wanted to act like it never happened, so I just didn't need everyone finding out and dragging it along. 

I literally hadn't bee to class in three weeks, although I managed to still get my notes, and complete most of my assignments. I just wasn't in the mood for any face to face interaction with people. I told my professors I was going through some family issues, and they were actually understanding, which made it easier for me to get myself together at home. 

I laid in the bed, staring up at the ceiling as I had been for the last hour or two. Which was something I been doing lately, while my mind ran a mile per minute. Even though he was stopped before he could actually rape me, it still bothered me that within in seconds he could've. Having someone, be so close to taking something from you with no consent at all, and there's nothing you can do about it, had to be the scariest shit that ever happen to me. 

I had so many questions running through my mind, and most of them were about what happens next. How do I just go back to my regular life? How do i continue to pursue my modeling career without feeling like i have to look over my shoulder? How do i will I ever be comfortable at photoshoots ever again. What's gonna happen if I see James again?

"Ash, i'm coming in boo" Lani said, knocking twice on the door, knocking me from my thoughts. "Hey, I made some lunch.. you wanna eat?" she asked, coming in sitting on the end of the bed. 

"No, i'm cool.. thanks though La" 

"I have to make you eat again?" she asked. "Come just come get something to drink and a little bit of food, then i'll leave you alone" 

"I'm just really not hungry" I said, sitting up. 

"Ash" she said, making a straight face. 

I sighed, "I'll come down, but just to see Kai" I said, swinging my feet off the bed. 

"That's fine" she said, getting up walking towards the door. I followed her down the stairs, and into the kitchen where, Lay, Kai, lil G, Rell and his friend were sitting. I decided to try to act as normal as possible, while around everyone.

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