Chapter 42

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"B, I gotta go" I said, as she hung around my neck

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"B, I gotta go" I said, as she hung around my neck.

"I don't want you to leave" she said, kissing the side of my face. "Just stay two more days" 

I chuckled, "You been saying, two more days for the last 6 days" 

"I know but i'm gonna miss you" 

"I told you to just come back with me to my crib" 

"But I have to go to orientation next week, and you know my parents want to go with me" she said, still holding on to me, as I leaned up against the bed. 

"You act like you its hard to get around" I said, being as though she had access to the Pj and also first class flights. 

"I know, I just feel like its doing too much, I can come after it" she paused. "But right now, I don't want you to leave" she said still kissing on my face and lips. 

I reached around, running my hands over her booty, while adding a few grips into it. "Come on boo, I gotta drop you off" I said, as she continued to kiss on me, turning me on. "You better stop" I said, warning her. 

"Why?" she asked, giggling. 

"You know why" I paused. "You ain't ready for this.." 

She stood back, starring at me "And what if I am?"

I made a face, "Don't play with me" 

She chuckled, "I'm not playing Rell" she said, stepping back closer to me. 

"Wait" I said holding my arm out, stopping her from walking closer. "You serious?" I asked and she nodded her head. "Why right now?" 

"I been wanting to do it, thats why I kept asking you to stay.. but I didn't know how to bring it up.

"And you think right now is a good time" I questioned, as I grabbed her arm pulling her closer. 

"I don't see why not" she said shrugging her shoulders. 

"How bout the fact that I got a flight to catch" I said, kissing her shoulder.

She chuckled, "It'll be quick" 

"Quick?" I repeated. "You got the wrong idea already" I said, laughing, as she lifted my shirt. I raised my arms, allowing her to raise my shirt over my head. This wouldn't be her first time having sex, and of course mine either, but it'll be our first time together. Don't get me wrong, I had definitely been anticipating this moment, but I wanted it to be exactly like this.. her idea. She wrapped her arms back around my neck, as we began kissing but this time way more intense. "hold up" I said, pulling away from the kiss. 

"What now?" 

"Lemme lock the door" I said shaking my head, at how anxious she was acting about this. "Take that off" I said, walking over twisting the lock on the door. Me and Justin had stayed at momma's crib while we were here, but she had left two nights ago to go on a business trip with Ernest. So as of now, it was just me, him and Breah here since she had stayed here last night and the night before. 

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