Chapter 60

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I sat across from the meet up spot, contemplating if I should even go through with this stupid shit

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I sat across from the meet up spot, contemplating if I should even go through with this stupid shit. It was 3:30 on the dot and I had already seen Mya going in the building 10 minutes ago, I don't even know what I was waiting for but I wasn't moving yet. I watched as people walked back and forth through the busy plaza, figuring thats why she chose it. I looked down at my phone, as it began to ring but decided to ignore it, seeing it was G. I didn't need any other distractions right now, I needed to handle this before it got too late. 

As I sat there,  I took a quick scroll through my messages seeing Breah and I's thread, instantly feeling fucked up for the way I had to handle this. I knew I couldn't tell B what was really going on cause I knew she'd tell La, and we know how that goes from here. I know it's probably a stretch for me to try to handle this on my own but, who really wants to be the burden or the fuck up of the family. I wanted to dead this situation on my own, I just hoped this plan I had would work. I held on the Instagram app, pressing the X in the corner, deleting the app from my phone, since I had deactivated my page earlier.

Feeling ready, I hopped out the car, hitting the locks on my keys before walking towards the entrance. I checked my surroundings once again, seeing she had definitely come alone. Before walking in, I pulled my hoodie over my head, pulling the strings. "Welcome in, for one?" the girl at the front asked. 

I shook my head, looking around for Mya "Nah, meeting someone" I said, giving her a slight smile before walking towards Mya's table. I walked closer to her, watching that stupid ass smile stretch across her face. 

"Oh you finally decided to come in" she smiled. I kept a straight face I pulled the chair out, sitting across from her, but slightly farther from the table.  "I didn't really know what you liked to eat so I didn't order anyth-" 

"I broke up with her" I said cutting to the chase. 

She looked up from the menu with the same smirk, "How can I be sure?" she asked. I slid my phone across the table, showing her the text of me breaking up with Breah. "Aww her poor little feelings" she fake pouted. She slid my phone back over to me, "i knew you'd come to your sense Relly" she said, reaching over grabbing my hand as I grabbed my phone from the table. 

I grabbed her hand, holding it in mine "I was trippin" 

"Took you long enough to see that" she said, smiling. "Thats okay though, we gonna pick right back up where we left off" she smiled again. 

"Facts" I said. "So what now?" 

"What now..." she repeated. "You have to post me on your instagram, to let these hoes know" 

I shook my head, "Man you wouldn't believe my page got hacked two nights ago" I lied. "I'm sick, I been emailing Instagram but they on bullshit" 

She rolled her eyes, "Just make another one" 

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