Chapter 25

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"Wait Chy, lemme see" I said, walking over towards her, grabbing her phone tp compare the numbers

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"Wait Chy, lemme see" I said, walking over towards her, grabbing her phone tp compare the numbers.

"How dumb can he be" Ash said, rolling her eyes.

"Dumb as fuck" I said, after realizing the numbers were identical, as Chy stood up attempting to leave the room. "Wait.. lemme finish my client, and then we can handle it.. I gotta do handle that first though" i said, grabbing her arm, pulling her back towards the chair.

"Lani I can't sit in here, with her and not say nothing" she said, bouncing her leg up and down.

"I'm just gonna keep her out there and you stay here, but I can't let shit get crazy while I have a client here"

"Chy we can just leave until she's done" Ash said. "We can go to Chipotle real quick"

"Ash I'm really not trynna eat" Chy said, shaking her head. "But since I respect your business, imma just dip" she said standing up.

"Wait" i said, before rushing out the room, I didn't need them two coming in contact with each other right now. I walked out into the main area of the shop, where India, Jade and my client were. "Hey India, can you go in the back and do the inventory check" I said, as I washed my hands.

"Sure" she said, walking off into the back.

I nodded my head at Ash letting her know it was cool for them to leave. I watched them walk out and then I walked over to where my client was, sitting already prepped and ready for her beat. "Hey girl" i said, realizing I hadn't greeted her yet.

"Hey girl, I am so pressed for this beat today" she said laughing. "I been dying to get out here, so you can slay me"

I chuckled, "You have been saying this for months" I said. "You know what type of look you going for?"

"Something natural, I'm just going to a meeting with Wakatonight" she said. I nodded my head, before walking over, pulling out my brow utensils.

"I put it on your desk" India said, walking back into the room, sitting in the seat across from me. Don't get me wrong, I myself definitely wanted to punch her in the mouth, but I had to think about how my business would look after.

I just looked up raising my eyebrows, "Thanks" i said, playing it cool.

After about another hour I was finally done Tammy's makeup, and just as I was letting her hold up the mirror to see if she liked it, Chy and Ashley came walking back in. I watched Chy as she grilled India all the way to a seat in the back of the shop.

"Girl I love this" Tammy said, snapping pictures on her phone. "How the hell do you do this"

"You have good skin sis" I said, laughing. "It just goes on super smooth"

"Lani, if I would've tried this myself, I would be looking like a damn clown" she said making me laugh again. "You gotta teach me for when I'm not in the city chile"

His Lil' Baby Ⅱ (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now