Chapter 44

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"Can y'all come the fuck on" I yelled, sitting in the interrogation room, where I had been sitting for about 4 hours now

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"Can y'all come the fuck on" I yelled, sitting in the interrogation room, where I had been sitting for about 4 hours now. I was in the room by myself at the time, but I knew they could see and hear me from the other side. I leaned back in the chair, letting out a deep breath. "What the fuck"

"You can stop throwing a tantrum now Mr. Madison" one of the female detectives said, walking in with a male detective.

"I been in here for hours, it's hot a fuck, and I'm in here for nothing" I said, wiping sweat off my forehead with my shirt.

"Not so quick" she said, sitting across from me. "You're here for a reason" she said, cracking a sarcastic smile.

"Well i'll be glad when y'all start fucking talking"

"Watch it" the other detective said, giving me a look that I returned. These cops always thought they intimidated niggas, with their whack asses.

"So Mr. Madison, can you tell us your relationship with India Wilson?"

"It wasn't no relationship, she worked for my peoples" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

She chuckled, "Let's be honest please Troy"

"You know me?" I asked, sarcastically.

"I'm very familiar with your history" she said, giving me a look. "I'm gonna ask you again, what's your relationship with Miss. Wilson?"

"I just told you, I seen her from time to time cause she worked for my peoples" I said, sitting back in the chair.

"Okay, explain to me why the police were called to your peoples place of business about two months ago?"

I scrunched my face, "I don't fucking know, I don't work there"

"Trynna be a comedian ain't gonna get you no where" the male officer said.

"I'm sure you and your peoples talk about things that go on in each other's lives" she said, saying peoples sarcastically again. "A run in with the law, wouldn't have came up in a conversation?"

"Look can we talk about why the fuck i'm here, all this extra shit that had nothing to do with me is just wasting time."

"So you're telling us you had no relations with Miss. Wilson" the male officer chimed in.

"I just told y'all that 3 times"

"Okay" she said, shrugging her shoulders as she opened her folder. "Mr. Madison, when we arrived to the scene and collected evidence, Miss. Wilson's cell phone was apart of it. And when we went through it one of the last text messages was sent to you, telling you she was 4 months pregnant with your child" she said, immediately catching me off guard.

"What" I said sitting up closer to the table. "That's Bs"

She slid the screenshots of the messages over to me, showing me exactly when and to who the message was sent. I was confused, not only because the times India and I did anything, protection was always involved. I had her on the block list for the last two and a half months, so it's possible that she had texted me, but overall this was Bs.

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